Ascension - Qt3 league

Welcome to the Ascension league! Ineffablebob is currently in charge. See the latest posts for the latest happenings.

Unicorn challenge (open-ended):

First player to win three games wins the unicorn (but must win by two games, as in ping pong or volleyball). Every time the unicorn holder successfully defends, the number of games needed to win increases by one. Reset to three games if the unicorn changes hands.

= 2014 =

02-03: ironcub14 3, Ananab Tilps 0
02-07: Ananab Tilps 3, ironcub14 1
02-20: ankamela 4, Ananab Tilps 2
04-07: ankamela 4, prolix 2
06-03: ankamela 6, soonanother 4
09-16: ankamela 8, delirium 6

= 2015 =

01-08: Ananab Tilps 11, ankamela 9
01-30: Ananab Tilps 5, Kl3mnop 3
02-17: Ananab Tilps 4, Mithrophon 2
02-21: Ananab Tilps 5, delirium 0
02-22: Ananab Tilps 6, scottagibson 0
02-28: Ananab Tilps 7, gpxxxtreme 4
03-11: Thraeg 8, Ananab Tilps 3
03-13: ironcub 3, Thraeg 0
04-02: Ananab Tilps 7, ironcub 5
04-07: Skieblade 3, Ananab Tilps 0
05-18: delirium 4, Skieblade 2
05-23: Mithrophon 3, delirium 1
06-12: Mithrophon 3, Kl3mnop 0
06-17: Mithrophon 4, ineffablebob 1
07-02: Mithrophon 5, Craig
07-13: Mithrophon 6, ironcub 2
09-11: Skieblade 7, Mithrophon 4
09-23: gpxxxtreme 3, Skieblade 1
09-25: gpxxxtreme 4, ironcub 2
09-27: gpxxxtreme 5, ineffablebob 0
10-06: CraigM 5, gpxxxtreme 0
10-15: Kl3mnop 3, CraigM 0
12-26: Kl3mnop 3, Ananab Tilps 0

= 2016 =

01-23: Kl3mnop 4, Ananab Tilps 1
02-21: Ananab Tilps 5, Kl3mnop 3
03-03: Ananab Tilps 4, CraigM 2
03-07: Ananab Tilps 4, Skieblade 1
03-20: ineffablebob 7, Ananab Tilps 5
03-27: Jorune 3, ineffablebob 0

Next series is to 3 wins.


Q: How do I join in?
A: Please PM me your Game Center name and let me know that you’d like to play. Don’t worry about whether we started already.

Q: How does the league work this time?
A: See original post.

Q: Are there resources for new players?
A: We’ve played some public exhibition matches wherein the players explained their decisions:

[li]Banana vs The Hive Mind[/li][li]Ascension Exhibition Match Thread[/li][/ul]

Q: How can I ever thank you?
A: A couple of years ago, a bunch of Ascension folks chipped in to buy me a box full of board games: Ascension, Neuroshima Hex, Lords of Waterdeep, Lost Cities, and Summoner Wars. So cool! And I’ve also been gifted: Frozen Cortex (by Joe Bolt), Chaos Reborn (by sharaleo), the Gambits expansion for Star Realms (by ineffablebob). I feel thanked!

Q: Who has won the league before?

[B]Intraforum challenges[/B]

[B]May 2012 - Qt3 vs Gamers With Jobs[/B]
Qt3 wins with fuzzyslug, Mark Gray, wilykat, soondifferent still standing

[B]December 2012 - Qt3 vs Pocket Tactics[/B]
Qt3 wins with Lantz, Tyjenks, and Prolix playing in the finals

[B]March 2013 - Qt3 vs Touch Arcade[/B]
Qt3 wins by a landslide but Touch Arcade steals victory in the finals!


[B]August      [/B]    1 Boojum (MadOverlord)      2 Chuck Jordan (SpectreCollie)
[B]September   [/B]    1 abrandt (nodrownboy)      2 Sten Friberg (Congestion)
[B]October     [/B]    1 Sten Friberg (Congestion) 2 Nawid A (nawidahrary)
[B]November    [/B]    1 Mark Gray (Mr Swee)       2 Nawid A (nawidahrary)
[B]Circle Jerk [/b]    1 Diddums                   2 deForrestation
[B]Circ of Life[/b]    1 warthurton                2 Nixxter 
[B]Circ of Squares[/b] 1 deForrestation            2 prolix (unprolix)
[B]Circ of Angels[/b]  1 Dave Perkins              2 sinnick (SelfMadeSinnick)
[B]Circ the Wagons[/B] 1 wilykat (padingtun)       2 sinnick (SelfMadeSinnick)
[B]Circ of Beauty[/B]  1 Tyjenks                   2 soonanother (soondifferent)
[B]Circ of Xmas[/B]    1 Magius Paulus             2 sinnick (SelfMadeSinnick)
[B]Circ of Souls[/B]   1 Gus_Smedstad              2 Wheeljack
[B]Circ of Bananas[/B] 1 prolix (unprolix)         2 Justin Fletcher
[B]Circ of Xmas 2[/B]  1 ankamela                  2 ddtibbs (CFDEngine15)
[B]Circ of Vigil[/B]   1 ironcub                   2 soonanother
[B]Oct 2014[/B]        1 Middle School             2 Old School
[B]Nov 2014[/B]        The Swollen Hobbits
                (Mark Gray, soondifferent, tecwrtr, robthomasson, ironcub, Justin Fletcher, bigdruid)


-- 2011 --

[B]Thanksgiving[/B]   1 Dave Perkins (Ananab Tilps)  2 Bahimiron (Bahimiron)
[B]New Year's[/B]     1 Sten Friberg (Congestion)    2 Josemas (Josemas99)

-- 2012--

[B]January[/B]        1 Dave Perkins (Ananab Tilps)  2 Sten Friberg (Congestion)
[B]February[/B]       1 Josemas (Josemas99)          2 Wilykat (padingtun)
[B]March[/B]          1 Dave Perkins (Ananab Tilps)  2 Sinnick (SelfMadeSinnick)
[B]April[/B]          1 Boojum (MadOverlord)         2 Dave Perkins (Ananab Tilps)
[B]May[/B]            1 wilykat (padingtun)          2 Josemas (Josemas99)
[B]June[/B]           1 prolix (unprolix)            2 Dave Perkins (Ananab Tilps)
[B]July[/B]           1 Sten Friberg (Congestion)    2 Dave Perkins (Ananab Tilps)
[B]August[/B]         1 wilykat (padingtun)          2 Dave Perkins (Ananab Tilps)
[B]September[/B]      1 Tyjenks                      2 bigdruid
[B]October 1/2[/B]    1 sinnick                      2 ddtibbs (CFDEngine15)
[B]October 2/2[/B]    1 prolix (unprolix)            2 Tyjenks
[B]November 1/2[/B]   1 New School                   2 Old School
[B]November 2/2[/B]   1 Tyjenks                      2 sinnick
[B]December 1/2[/B]   1 soondifferent                2 Tyjenks
[B]December 2/2[/B]   1 Tyjenks                      2 Pacman

-- 2013 --

[B]January 1/2[/B]    1 Pacman                       2 prolix
[b]January 2/2[/b]    1 Sten Friberg (Congestion)    2 ironcub14
[b]February[/b]       1 Pacman                       2 soondifferent
[B]March[/B]          1 Tyjenks                      2 Justin Fletcher
[b]April[/B]          1 New School                   2 Old School
[B]May[/B]            1 Pacman                       2 Justin Fletcher
[B]June[/B]           1 ironcub14                    2 prolix
[B]July[/B]           1 Boojum                       2 Dave Perkins (Ananab Tilps)
[b]August[/b]         1 soondifferent                2 Magius Paulus
[b]September[/b]      1 ankamela (annie peeps)       2 Pacman
[b]October[/b]        1 sinnick (SelfMadeSinnick)    2 ankamela (annie peeps)
[b]November[/b]       1 Dave Perkins (Ananab Tilps)  2 ddtibbs (CFDEngine15)
[b]December[/b]       1 ironcub14                    2 Pacman

-- 2014 --

[b]January[/b]        1 sinnick                      2 delirium
[b]February[/b]       1 ironcub14                    2 ColonelT
[b]March[/b]          1 Mark Gray                    2 ankamela
[b]April/May[/b]      1 ironcub14                    2 sinnick
[b]June/July[/b]      1 Justin Fletcher              2 Dave Perkins
[b]Aug/Sept[/b]       1 ironcub14                    2 soondifferent
[b]September[/b]      1 Mithrophon                   2 robthomasson
[b]October[/b]        1 Middle School                2 Old School
[b]November[/b]       1 Kl3mnop                      2 tecwrtr
[b]December[/b]       1 ColonelT                     2 soondifferent

-- 2015 --

[b]January[/b]        1 Mithrophon                   2 Dave Perkins
[b]February[/b]       Team: Mufasa's Pride
                     Kl3mnop (captain), ankamela, Beatrix, Skieblade, bigdruid
[b]February[/b]       Individual:
               1 Dave Perkins                 2 Beatrix
[b]March[/b]          Team: The Hypnotoads
                     Mithrophon (captain), ankamela, gpxxxtreme, ddtibbs, CraigM
[b]March[/b]          Individual:
               1 Dave Perkins                 2 CraigM
[b]April[/b]          Team: The Hadrosaurs
                     Thraeg (captain), mime sniper, gpxxxtreme, robthomasson
[b]April[/b]          1 gpxxxtreme                   2 bigdruid
[b]May[/b]            1 Thraeg                       2 CraigM
[b]June[/b]           1 gpxxxtreme                   2 delirium

Aug: Kl3mnop > gpxxxtreme
Sept: Thraeg > gpxxxtreme

We are starting in April 2013 with an Old School vs. New School tournament! If you’d like to play, please PM me rather than clog this thread with your preening.

When you PM me, please let me know which school you think you fit best in. I’m thinking that, say, bigdruid would mark the cutoff between Old and New at this point. Tyjenks has slipped into the Old category. We can adjust as needed.

If you want a date to consider, have you joined the league since last November? Then you’re New School.

Please send me your Game Center name too, like this:

Dave Perkins (Ananab Tilps)

so that I can copy/paste into the “who’s in” list above.

You’ll be committing to playing about 20 games in a month.

Now I see everything no more question:)

hmm there is a question. How should I know wich “school” I fit in? what if everybody said old school?


or my english isn’t good enough friendly Tyjenks…


I am just joking with you. Last time we did this it was easier to make a clear line based on how long people have been involved in league play. Now it may be a bit more difficult with the large influx of players. I would say maybe if you have started in the last 6 months? I was new school last time and have now been playing a year. The last one in Novemeber, I think I had been playing 6 or 7 months and that was the approximate cut off.

What do others think?

I would say you are probably New School almostrike.

Thanks for your help! Sure I am new school, I play since December. :)

I’d agree with Tyjenks, and will add that to the invite post. Also, don’t sweat it, we can adjust things.

So, for games that count, members of each school can challenge only members of the other school, not members within their school?

Yeah, who challenges who is ambiguously worded. How does a “school” lose, anyway? Since “losing school” is part of the rules.

You’ll play one game versus each person in the opposing school, and each win’s worth a point. The total points earned by the players in each school determine which school wins.

I’ll put this new and improved wording in the FAQ. If y’all want to spar with each other within your school, please do!

Seems like the old school is gonna be pretty stacked with talent, in that case.

The old school doesn’t give a crap what you think, buddy.

In all seriousness, though, I thought the Old School was going to demolish the New when we last did this in November. And it started out that way; I think Old won like 15 of the first 20 games. But then everything went to shit and the New School won.

Woohoo, a month where I am not worth a bajillion points for anyone who beats me!

And there is plenty of talent on the new school side. Annie and myself have made the playoffs more consistently than anyone else since we joined, and Ironcub, mctwitch, Emos, tjxtjx and many others can all more than hold their own. Certainly that should be enough to beat the fossilized, worn out Old Schoolers :-p

Yeah. I think it should be pretty even. Glad to be switching sides. These new school punks have no respect for their elders.

Would you like a complimentary oxygen tank with that, sir?
