Assassin's Creed: Unity - Vive la révolution!

Wow, that’s gorgeous. Well, relatively speaking. They really captured the ugly black Paris rooftops well. Don’t get me wrong, I love Paris, it’s my favorite city in the world so far to visit, but every time I climbed on top of something like Notre Dame or the ugly Mompernasse building, I was always disappointed by my view of Paris rooftops. For a city so rich in wonderful architecture and buildings, the rooftops give a relatively poor view of Paris.

I don’t have the game, I didn’t “specifically hidden” anything because I just took a image of some roofs seen at medium distance that looked nice. The distant roofs in that image looks much better than the buildings in the Hrose image, even if they are further away.

I disagree, but I don’t have even a half assed opinion here. So I am going to resort to a random lines.

“You have not seen a city, until you have see that city in the night, from the rooftops”

"Lets admire here the jerk-ness of Paris central authority, to force everyone to build to a limited height, creating a incredible regular horizont. For that, I am tempted to say the skyline of Paris is one of the most amazing things of Paris. "

some of the screenshots in this thread are amazing.

Did I just get Rickrolled or something?

Kind of “another AC more, samey, and clearly not as good as II or IV, but a bit better than III”.

Holy hell, Sainte-Chapelle…

That’s gotta be one of the most amazing places I’ve been to in a game. I’ve seen the sucker in real life, and damn, ACU nailed it.

That rose window…games man…wow.

First impressions


-Good graphics and great Art
-Great ambient, lots of life in the city
-Possibly interesting conflicting love-hate relation with the girl
-Present times are even shorter and less important this time (just a few cutscenes, you don’t even play it this time!)
-Arno has his moments as good main character
-Good parkour animations


-Even if present times are shorter, they aren’t eliminated totally and their “plot” and presentation is super lazy
-Some lazy plot of “templars are seeking a sage (yeah another one!), we have to stop them!”
-Somewhat clunky combat, animations are too long winded
-More RPG/upgrade stuff for upgrading stuff’s sake. Lots of armor and weapons with different attributes and you can upgrade them
-Stiff controls, with conflicting scheme. Jump button does like 7 different things (really, they are listed in the controls page), and in between them the new cover function and the jump/up function can give you problems. Or Loot and parry button is the same so you can take some loot instead of parrying in the middle of combat (technically looting is holding the button but sometimes it can happen).
-Talking of cover, the new stealth mechanics feel half assed. While technically they are like SC Blacklist/Watch Dogs (crouch button, sticky cover), the cover system feels much less precise and in general terms the game isn’t really designed for its use.
-Really bad and lazy side missions. First two missions I did, choosing them randomly:
1st mission. One guy sitting in a bar offered me to enter in the Bahomet’s cult if I stole two chalices in the cathedral. Who’s this guy? How I would know he was the guy to talk about it? What’s that cult? Why would Arno be interested in it? Why would he trust Arno, whom he hasn’t seen in all his life, about a secret cult? It doesn’t make sense and the game doesn’t even try, the guy drops his line, your map updates with the mission’s objective, you do it. Better not think about it.
2nd mission. A crazy tarot reader woman says I should accompany her. She says crazy stuff while walking on the street, and from time to time she says this or that guy are really evil and should die, so you go and stabby stab! Repeat a few times, one of them can try to escape but stab stab! end of mission. What a great excuse to have combat.
Summary: laziness. For all the effort the artists put in the game, the writers and designers seems to give up and just do a map full of icons to complete.
-locked chests opened through their bullshit (apps, website, etc).

Performance is 30-40fps @ 1200p, details ultra except shadows at “high” level, MSAAx4. Except in the cutscenes, which as everyone knows they lose a lot of fps, who knows why. Thanks god it’s where it matters less.
PC: [email protected], 16gb ram, amd 290X tri.

Anyone else using M&K? I prefer it because it’s somehow easier for me to look past Arno and at Paris that way, but the ‘Jump’ (A on controller) doesn’t work reliably for me. Anyone else? There was an 800MB patch today.

Do this test. Hold shift (run), the hold jump (space), then press the direction keys (wasd). The four directions work as intended?

Not really no. Annoying. Wonder if it’s my particular m&k.

Try mapping jump key to another key, or even RMB, and see if it improves.

Aha - that did fix it - good thinking Batman!

The game continues to impress. Had a nice, lengthy co-op session last night (maybe with someone from here?). Did a couple of heists, including a tough one that netted us 10,000! After several retries.

anyway for all the pc players i did create a qt3 club since i couldnt find any. QuarterToThree or qt3. Game is good if you have the hardware!

So, I’m tempted to buy this not so much for the gameplay per se, but simply because I lived in Paris for a year and kinda miss it. Those of you with experience / familiarity with Paris, did you recognize Paris as it was presented in the game? Particularly in the street layout on the Left Bank (I know the Revolution was pre-Hausmann, so the north part in particular would be all different if they were trying to be historically accurate). Did walking around in Unity feel like walking around in Paris?

Is 10.000 a lot? Because I read that the most expensive piece of weaponry costs 125.000 and is of course purchasable with real money. I am worried the price is set that high to force people to use even more money on the game.

It is, but there’s plenty of normal equipment to obtain the old fashioned way.

And yes, it does have a lot of real layout - feels great in that respect IMO.

I think the most you can get from a heist is 25,000. You also ambient get money from your cafe. 125,000 is high, but easily disable for a endgame character, which is the point, as other games really had little to spend your money on. They are also basically OP cheater weapons. I can beat the toughest enemies with my 5000 officer’s saber.

Yeah, I think the hyper-expensive stuff is just something to give you a money sink for in the end game, not a reason to buy stuff with real world money. In AC2, once you got your economy going full blast you’d get to the midpoint in the game and have nothing to spend on. They pushed it back a little bit in Brotherhood and Revelations, but even in those games, it’d be just about 2/3rds through and you could kit out with everything, still decorate, still restore every building/business.

They pushed it back some more in AC3 and Black Flag, so I think that’s all that’s going on here in Unity.


I tried out the game today on my PS4 and wow its janky - While it looks absolutely gorgeous and has none of the weirdness Hrose posted and it also lags like hell and has slowdowns often, both in gaming and in cutscenes. The game also features all the annoying things like running after people and escaping people that has become a staple of the series, but that I could have sworn the dev team acknowledged as something that should be done better.

I got a message after starting in Paris, that I had to use AC Initiates to open a chest. Only, ACI doesn’t do anything yet, but only has “Coming soon” all over it. Then there is the AC Unity app, that really doesnt work very well either. In-game I couldn’t get in touch with the clubs, whatever the heck they are, since they couldn’t reach the Ubisoft servers. Pressing the Ubisoft menu selection brought up Ubisoft though, even though the game still insisted it couldn’t reach the servers when trying from Clubs.

All in all, beautiful game, but a terrible technical mess all around.