Assassin's Creed Valhalla

What I mean is I often see people talking about modern AC being “less historical” than previous ones cause there’s more Ancient Aliens stuff and clearly anachronistic weapons and attires. Plus in the latest ones you can play as The Female and internet historian cherish their knowledge of women not being accepted as equals in the good old days, nevermind the fact that previous games had Italian dude being instantly accepted in the court of Ottoman sultan, Native American being a bro to George Washington, Irish low-class dude being bro to English nobles etc.

Ahem. What I mean is how detailed the world is, and how surprisingly a lot of stuff is based on reality. Some towns in Odyssey have a very specific wall ornaments, and you have to go to Discovery Tour to see that it’s not just a random designer choice but based on archeological evidence. Children play the games they probably played. Craftsmen quarters portray realistic manufacturing processes. Of course you have 300 style presentation and stories on top of it, but it’s still amazing. Wish they’d find a way to make their efforts more visible. It would make the world much more meaningful without having to load a separate game mode.