Assassin's Creed Valhalla

Flyting was by far my favorite part of AC:V. I wish there was about 5x as much, and there were some more difficult fights. I explored most of the map just to find new people to insult.

AC:Odyssey was my favorite game out of the RPG-like stretch of the series, where it felt like choices were actually meaningful and the ending around the dinner table was satisfying. But the castle sequences and monastery raids were head-and-shoulders better than the silly two armies fighting stuff in Odyssey. I think the loot all sucking was kind of a good thing - I gave up on trying to find every bit of loot in the game and just played the main story line before I burned out entirely.

AC:V is fun, though after the first 20 hours you’ve basically seen the mechanics of the game, so if you start feeling burned out give up the icon chase and crank out the story. If you keep enjoying finding every secret, then more power to you. I played for 73hr, and I’m sure I could have doubled that time easily if I wanted to really scour the map.