Automation of the labor force

I think that if we increase the number of machines taking over positions in the work force, we should reduce the number of people in the world, accordingly. Otherwise, there will be unemployment. Thoughts?

How do we decide which people get reduced?

First come, first serve. Or everyone over 30.

Presumably we could automate the elimination process, thereby making the whole operation incredibly efficient.

Hey now!

Don’t take my job, man!

Come and get me bro.

So I heard on the radio today that Amazon has opened a store in Seattle using automated technology. Of course the radio talking head (local guy) blamed the $15 minimum wage, but something like full automation of a grocery store goes way beyond someone making $2-3 an hour more.

There’s already a thread on this.

There is no end to human desire, so there will always be work to do.

I’m sorry you invested in all those human-sized furnaces. Just because they had blockchain in the name didn’t make it a good idea.

I’m not sure how they would handle irregularly sized objects, like sacks of potatoes or celery. I’m guessing this problem has been solved somehow. For instance, by putting every item in a crate.

So you want to turn this into a documentary?

or Soylent Green?

All of the retailers are doing this to some degree. Many stores in my area have more “self service” lanes than those with actual people now and the cashiers are being laid off.

What Amazon has realized, of course, and why it’s going to win (more), is that the end result needs to be more convenient for the customer to be successful long term. The normal retailers are making the customer do their former employees’ jobs; Amazon is making that job unnecessary.

Aww yiss! I loved the brief nude scenes when I was a kid.

What all these talking heads bitching about the minimum wage doing this blithely ignore the fact that technology keeps getting cheaper and cheaper, and it’s only a matter of time before these machines become so cost-efficient that it won’t matter if you’re in a state with a shitty minimum wage.

My smartphone can’t make me a sandwich.

That’s because its Qualcomm-bound singlecore performance just isn’t up to the task of spreading peanut butter and jelly with ruthless efficiency.

No, but the day they make a robot that can reliably isn’t far off.