Avatar: The Last Airbender - Suriprisingly good anamated serieis

Hey if you like this show and you’re an Xbox Live achievement whore, check it out! You can get all 1000 points from the Avatar game in about five minutes (including the time it takes to unwrap the game):

I just re-watched the whole show over the past two weeks, and when I got back to the Day of The Black Sun episodes with this conversation in mind it occurred to me that Zuko, in response to Osai’s question of why he doesn’t just use his swords and kill him during the eclipse, says “I know my destiny. Defeating you is the Avatar’s destiny.” Seems to imply that Zuko might have a quest of his own after this season - maybe tracking down and rescuing his mother? Of course there would have to be more to it than that, something more epic, because an angsty teen searching for mommy would get unbearable to watch after a while.

Episodes 312 and 313 have been “released” already. Just warning in case someone missed them.

Zuko is going to have to be the one to teach Aang fire bending. That’s the only thing Aang is missing right now. It’s been building up to this since Season 2.

Has Avatar come back on with new episodes yet, or has the writer’s strike had an effect on the show?

The writer’s strike isn’t affecting animation as much, since the episodes take so much longer to produce. There’s supposed to be a new episode out tonight, I believe - not sure if that’s airing here in the US, though.

Yeah, I believe the entire season is already in the can.

There was a new episode last week, not sure about this weekend.

Wha…? The Western Air Temple aired? I don’t think my DVR picked it up… was this only overseas?

The next episode after that aired too. Canada I believe.

S3 x E12 & E13 seem to be up on the torrents. I’m downloading now. Yay Canada!

Episodes 3x14 and 3x15 are up on torrents now. It’s a 2-parter called “The Boiling Rock”.

A warning to the spoiler-averse. Apparently a novelization of the season finale has just been released, and I expect major plot points will appear all over the intertubes soon.

Whoever is planning the Avatar release schedule is fucked in the head.

As a heads up, there are going to be new episodes every day this week starting tomorrow at 8 est. I don’t know if this is the final set of episodes or not.

Thank goodness! My daughter was traumatized when we completed Farscape not too long after having caught up on The Avatar. She’s been hounding me twice a day to check for new episodes from both series and the only consolation I had was a couple of new Doctor Who’s.

Yes it is. The series finale is this Saturday.

The two hour movie is tonight.

Pretty solid way to end the series. They could have used a full episode for denouement though.

It was pretty good, one slight complaint though about the final fight.

spoiler warning:

When the fire lord hit Aang into the wall and it just so happened to be the spot that would free his chakra to go into the avatar state and Aang learning how to remove someone’s bending ability was a little bit too much deus ex machina for me. I did like how Azula (is that how you spell her name) became paranoid and eventually crazy after locking up her two friends. It does seem that there was a small cliff hanger with Zuko learning about the truth of his mother .

Agreed with both the above comments. Needed more denouement, a little bit too much deus ex machina in the Aang-Ozai fight, but overall quite an excellent end to an excellent series.

Cliffhanger setup for a movie, perhaps?