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Blacklist means I’ve cleared my (Uplay) backlog! Mini cheer!

You really need to work on that tremor.

I have the most ludicrous backlog of hundreds of games. And yet even though there are tons of 2014 games I was anxiously anticipating and haven’t gotten to yet, the last two games I’ve played have been Fallout (which I played through about 5 times, although the last time was almost 10 years ago) and now I’m somehow 30 hours into Dragon Age Origins again, after playing some of the DLC that came out after I played the game upon release.

It’s my left hand. My right is reserved for backlog.

Yay…? So you’ve just rushed through a bunch of games, to cross them off a list. I mean does it really matter that you completed Saxons frikkin DLC in the grand scheme of things? Why not spend some time with a game you enjoy, where you take your time to play it, and maybe replay even. Where you invest some hours into getting good at it, or immerse yourself in it. Please help me understand why clearing a backlog is in any way productive or worthwhile.

Someone’s grumpy!

I’d say definitely start over and then finish it this time. Best story in any video game ever, imho. I’ve finished it twice(with years in between) and read the novelization, but you need to experience all of it and the ending has some of the best stuff.

If you find yourself disinterested because of the aging mechanics and graphics I suggest you download the “book” instead and read that. Put Mark Morgan’s soundtrack on repeat in the background :)

That’s no worry for me. Despite not liking the mechanics in Baldur’s Gate, I really enjoyed the mechanics in P:T because of the changes they made. The way the spell effects are nice and splashy. The way damage numbers float above the person’s head. The way the sound effects for combats are actually amusing instead of annoying. The way TNO can’t really die, so you don’t have to constantly save and load the game. I think they pretty much took a combat system I hated in BG and ironned out all the annoyances.

The only reason I’m waiting right now is that I’m hoping the Classic Game Club chooses Planescape: Torment soon as the current game, and then I can play along with other people as well. Two birds.

Who gets to choose that? Is it like the frame game in that you have to win the previous round somehow :)

Yes. That’s right. Whoever participates in the current game’s discussion is added into a hat. All the people who have already chosen a game are taken back out of the hat, and then a name is picked from the hat. And that person decides what game we play next. I’ve got both Tron 2.0 and Planescape: Torment installed and modded and ready to play this very second if someone chooses them.

I also had Doom 2 ready to go last week when Tim James chose that one. I’d forgotten that I had it ready, but I did. I still installed the latest version of GZDoom anyway, since it had gone through quite a few versions since I got it ready.

Back on the topic of backlogs, I’ve been going through my mobile “backlog” lately, by installing various games from Amazon App Store promos and Humble Bundles. I just deleted five games during my fifteen-minute break!

I can’t wait to make this kind of progress with my Steam library.

Faery was an earlier effort from Spiders, of Warlogs of Mars, Bound by Flame and the upcoming Technomancer. Some charm and originality, not least being able to fly, held back by repetitive combat and a click on ALL the villagers quest style. But it’s gone, away, dispatched…

Oh no :( There’s an HD remaster of Indigo Prophecy and I haven’t started the original yet.

Eh it was an ok game, not worth replaying imho.

That was one of the first games I ever purged from my backlog. :)

I just tried the beginning. Dear god - the controls :\

Aquanox 2. 30 missions with no checkpoints and no mid-mission save. I can’t remember being this frustrated with a game since, well… 2003.

Easy mode and auto-aim on, finally got me to an ending of nonsensical sci-waffle. Next!

You’re getting so close to games that aren’t terrible. Go for it! :)

I bought Bioshock Infinite on a steam sale a while back. I’m up to the final fight and having trouble getting past it. Not sure if it’s worth grinding through it, or looking up ending videos on YouTube.

After that, it’s either Witcher 2 or Skyrim.

Wow, I guess you were trying to get the mediocre games out of the way first. There’s still some left in that list. :)