Bananas and Nuts

So awesome!

Wait, I mean: Y’all are a bunch of damn yentas!


Oh My God did you all see what’s happening in this thread?

Oh I keed, I keed.

Great to have this back. Thanks Albert!

There should probably be something in there for Bob Cherub leaving due to the election, and possibly coming back as Fine Ham Abounds.

BooTx should have been “gently booted” imo.

Nice job Albert but I don’t understand the numbers for #3 & #4 (Cleve and Lord Ebonstone).

That welshing motherfucker owes me one ingested bug.

Is Bob Cherub aka Cheeba on other gaming forums? Cos I think FHA is Cheeba.

I would be surprised if they were the same. FHA is much more hateful than Chreub ever was.

Woah I had no idea E5 got banned!

Shit I missed something while I was gone!

I’m blind, NVM.

“Recently on QT3”

Edit: dang your ninja edit, DGS. Now no one knows what I’m talking about :-)

Good like that :P I asked about FoRmAt’s thing, but I was just being blind. Plus alternating capitalization fucks with my head apparently.

I think I’m beginning to understand why people read the society pages in local papers.

Should there be a mention of the fact that a few months ago Tom activated every registrant awaiting vetting without vetting them?

Well done Albert :)

Welcome back Albert!

All I get is a “me too”? I’m pretty sure I got banned and unbanned before fOrMaT.

You sound like you’re proud of that, Kalle.

Yeah I’ve tried that on another less serious forum, that was going to hell anyway.
Here I wouldn’t be proud of a ban.

Great work, but I agree that we need something depicting the republican exodus after the election.

I just want my infamy properly represented.

Absolutely superb stuff, as always.