Baphomet wants a place on the Oklahoma state capitol steps

Wow, that looks pretty fucking metal! But that’s not quite as inappropriate as the thing I meant. :P

lol, the shocker?

No comment. :P

The little kids looking adoringly at Baphy are pretty funny. I hope they do take it on a tour in Arkansas. I hope they park it on a flatbed right in front of Huckabee’s house. I think his head might explode.

Hey, it just occurred to me the Satanic Temple has bowdlerized their own statue! Baphomet is supposed to be a hermaphrodite. With breasts. It’s pretty funny and sad at the same time that they may have thought that a representation of a demon would be fine, but only so long as it doesn’t have naked breasts. The caduceus rising up from his groin is obviously a phallic symbol, anyway; that’s something :).

Anyway for a vaguely non-theistic joke church, it’s also kind of sad for them to use a demonic figure invented to attack the Knights Templar, one whose name is obviously based on a period misunderstanding of the pronunciation of Mohammed.

They’re all the same!

Hooray Metalocalypse!

BBC article about the statue.

The awesome Baphomet statue is back…this time in Arkansas.