Bargain Thread 2017

I dig that RE picture!

REHD remaster (aka “RE1”): PS4/XBone remaster of a Gamecube remake of the grandfather of all survival horror on PS1. Still old-school, with fixed camera angles and optional tank controls. Pretty much a must.
RE0: was made in the same style, but it’s a new-ish game with an added coop gimmick.

RE4, RE5, RE6 and Revelations 2 are all part of what I call the “gun fu” era of Resident Evil: 3D shooters where you run up to zombies to kick them in their stupid faces, then suplex them to conserve ammo. I like 'em all, but RE4 is the one that shows up on 100 BEST GAMES EVAR lists. The Revelations branch of the series packs a RPG side-mode instead for a score-attack mini-game.