Batman: Gotham Knights - Bat-buddies

I watched a bit of your stream, so many AOE enemy attacks, and the enemies looks like they can take 10 hits before going down, wtf?

This review from RPS is savage.

Both reviewers mention hating the combat encounters in a game where you play a superhero.

Like 90% of the game has to be combat encounters.

my Xbox Series X ran so f’n hot for many minutes after I quit playing this. It was loud enough I was concerned. Still mostly enjoying it, but wish I hadn’t bought it.

Oh, this is by the team that made Arkham Origins. Not the team that made the three good Batman games - Asylum, City, and Knight.

Gentlemen, Arkham Origins was shit. It’s no surprise where this game ended up.

Arkham Origins wasn’t that bad, at least it had Batman in it and you could counter punches. :)

Well, as someone who looked at the Steam page and thought, “Hmm, Agents of Mayhem, but with a handful of rando DC characters? Sign me up!”, I uninstalled after playing a few Lady Batman patrols and realizing this isn’t anything like Agents of Mayhem, and instead, it’s like some rough-hewn knock-off of Arkham Knight from an Eastern European developer working on its first non-Warhammer game.

Also, the superheroes you play are apparently named Jason, Tim, Todd, and Babs.

Dude, you tell me this is like Batman crossed with Andromeda and I’m throwing money down right now.

Barbara and three Robins

I’ve been playing on the PC, and so far I’m quite enjoying it. I don’t think the game, at least the PC version, deserves the amount of negativity its receiving around the internet.

Not playing it right now. My biggest issue is story related - it seems clear that the series doesn’t follow (story-wise) the Arkham trilogy. It’s it’s own thing with a completely different lead in. And that makes no sense to me. You could have the same game with the story following from Arkham Knight. But for some reason, they decided not to do that.

I haven’t played those, but wasn’t it mentioned up thread that at least one of the main characters was dead in that game? That seems like an impediment…or were you suggesting they use a different character instead?

I am weak, I watched around 2 hours of streams of this today, and now I just grabbed a copy off GMG.

LK: thoughts… 1000+ game backlog, still buys poorly reviewed Batman game that doesn’t let you play as Batman. #derp

From what I could tell watching other people play, turning off damage numbers and the dumb enemy level markers make the game look way better.

I also just read this as I am installing.

I find your derpitude inspiring! I’m curious but really shouldn’t buy this at full price.

Fifty percent discount will be my threshold for this title and I even enjoyed Origins.

3 hours in, I have completed night 2 and so far I dropped the difficulty down to easy. Apparently I do not know how to fight without a proper blocking button.

Also the bike is so mehhh, and I keep calling it in by accident.

Cutscenes and overall story have been pretty good.

Wow, I’ve never heard a sound from my Xsx, sounds like another reason to give this one a pass

There were times I was tooling around on the batcycle, thinking to myself, “Hey, this isn’t so bad. I mean, it’s no worse than Cyberpunk!”

At which point I realized what terrible life choices I must have made to bring me to this point, playing a game because it wasn’t any worse than Cyberpunk. Uninstalling was my “come to Jesus” moment. :)

But I will be following this thread, and you can bet I’m willing to second-guess my decision if you guys start posting about having fun and whatnot!

Wait, does this game have whatnot?! I love whatnot!

Tom I saw the developers put in a Very Easy difficulty setting. Just saying. ;)

Anyone playing as Red Hood? I spent an hour as him tonight, and he plays as a Batman with guns and horrible traversal skills. I unlocked Batgirls glide cape earlier today, and it improved my enjoyment of the game immensely. So I am thinking map traversal will suck extra until I get the other three knighthood trees unlocked.

He has Heelies like the cool elementary school kids!