Battle Brothers Hits Early Access

My brothers have been humming right along. Came across a one skull mission to kill some giants. Sounds like a piece of cake. Turns out I should have listened to the warning from the peasant I came across and steered clear…Lost two decent brothers and everyone else came out of the battle with multiple injuries. Yikes.

Yup, I was just about to post something very similar. I had a pretty decent early game and was starting to get things really moving on a vet/vet campaign, maybe 15-20 days in… then I learned what Unhold were. Just two of them, can’t be too bad, right? I’ll know better next game.

I can’t remember. If I hurt an ally in a battle where we’re both going against an enemy, will I lose rep?

Also, is Dodge worth it for 2-Handed characters? or are you better off with Steel Brow?

I realized while I was fighting Alps that there must be some kind of pattern that would beat them easy-peasy but as it was my first encounter with them they slaughtered everyone but 1 dastardly brother (who I promptly sent back into the fray to die like a man!). Thanks for the break down, I’ll keep this in mind!

started a game, was having fun , received a quest to find an old castle.

couldn’t find it.

ran out of money.

ran out of fun.

started a new map, took note to avoid shitty find x location quests, having more fun.

You can always quit contracts that are difficult/impossible to complete. I’ve had a couple find x quests where I didn’t have the time/money to finish, and it’s easier to just cut the contract and pick up something new in the meantime.

You always find someone that will tell you what direction it is in for a little gold, these quests really aren’t super hard and they always tell you what direction and land to look in. Plus, you can make a hard save and then look for it and then reload and walk right to it, if you want. Free money! And, more importantly, a new location to explore.

I got the hints in game, paid for them , still couldn’t find the place…

I feel that there is a bug with the “find location” quest. Not sure if the location is spawning at all.

I guess it’s possible. I’ve done probably half a dozen of them now and never had a problem finding them. They to tend to be further away than maybe you realize though, maybe you guys aren’t ranging far enough?

First one I did was east of town but The region it wassupposed to be in was to the west. I have one now where I bought hints twice and haven’t found it yet. I may cancel it and move on.

A couple things that I consider when deciding to accept a find location quest is how far away it is and in what type of terrain it is rumored to be in. Comparing the cost of wages, food consumption and opportunity cost of taking another type of contract with the pay off is first consideration. Locations rumored to be in mountainous or snowy locations will reduce your profit as your guys’ food consumption rate increases and the time to search increases due to slower movement rate. So I skip quests in those types of locations or for places far away unless the payoff is high.

Quitting contracts can result in reputation hits so if you are trying to curry favor with a faction it is another thing to consider.

And sometimes I’ve not been able to find the locations so perhaps @cicobuff is on to something. Prior to the DLC I admit I didn’t read the text all the time as it seemed repetitive or not informative, but I think with the DLC more meaningful text has been added and requires reading through and thinking about what I’m reading.

I would like to see the ability to consult the world map while you are considering taking on a find location, or deliver a package or escort a caravan quest as it is hard for me to remember where places are and how far away they are. You can ask for more time to think about the contract and check the location but it would be convenient to do so while in negotiations.

The game is interesting to me in this regard. It is sort of like Darkest Dungeon in that you shouldn’t get too attached to your bros as they are a means to an end which is building up a later game team of badasses. But unless you connect with your bros the game doesn’t work very well, at least for me.

There have been so many battles where a bro I’ve been grooming for a role gets taken out by a freak blow or arrow to the eye and I gasp out loud or curse. I have a hard time staking out a middle ground in terms of attaching to my bobble-headed bros. When a team gets devastated it bums me out so it works in one regard but turns me away on another level.

Maybe you all should send me a bill ;-) Seriously, the game is immersive and it engages me to think about the design of the game in ways that few other games do.

On a different note, I’m really liking the new retreat feature. :-)

Yes please.

seems like an easy to implement QoL feature?

Man, I was hired to hunt down some thieves, there were 12 of them so I was a little iffy on the battle. Then they gave good chase into the snow, where they finally stopped. I assumed they were camping or something, but when I landed on them I realized they were beset by the horrifying Alps!

I was doing really, really well until the last few rounds. Half the bandits had broken off from the Alps, who were targeting everyone randomly, so I had to form up half my boys on the one side while I dealt with the final two alps. I got over eager with the last two bandits and one got a lucky hit and killed my best spearman, and then the Alps punished me by bunching up too much, and I couldn’t get to the four sleepers in time to save two of them. I wrapped up the battle shortly after but with three two level 4 and a level 5 brother down, it wasn’t worth the 700gp. I played a bit longer, trying to recover, but I may have to revert to a save I made prior to taking that particular job, and either avoiding it or seeing if I can’t fight those bandits without any Alps in the mix. We’ll see, I need a break. That was a monster of a battle.

Played my first campaign and decided to retire when half my company got mauled by dire wolves. This game is fun as shit!

Not sure I understand the basic gameplay loop. Am I just going from town to town, looking for work I can handle, and trying to keep from gong broke?


To begin. later you’ll have a faction your start backing and then the late game crisis.

A lot of layers here too. You can focus on one noble house to become best buds, or all 3, or you can be daring and ally with one while attacking the others. You can, is it shift click or ctrl click to force an attack on innocents? So say you want to hijack a caravan or group of peasants, you do that combo, whack then, and loot to your hearts content. Of course having a noble house out for your blood isn’t good, but can be fun. You can then sack their fields, towns, etc. OK, don’t do that til you’re more bored with the traditional things lol. Good way to die.

I’ve been having so much fun just sticking with 8 peeps and not fullfilling the big quest thingie. My guys are all decked out now, they’re level 6, and I have a small nest egg before moving on to hire more to hit my 12. Running away from battles and then hitting the pub has been a nice change from the way I used to play.


Since we can craft stuff now, anyone know if events like having a L5 Tailor and a 3 dire wolf pelts will still spawn a random event where you end up with special armor?