Battlestar Galactica 15: Who Needs Morals?

I am kind of losing the ability to be shocked by the President/Admiral combinations we end up with.

Thanks for the trust with the pop tart incubator. I am relieved to lessen the odds that I get a cylon bullet to the brain even if would be fairly canonical.

So i found a way to get the admiral out of sickbay.

Never know how this will play out but worth the risk i think.
I will minimize risk things going bad, quorom cards will have to wait

Move to communications
Play Leadership 6 State of Emergency
Activate Communications
Move civvies in sector 2 to three


-1 Food from State of Emergency (believe it or not, this is the first lost resource of the game)
Will PM you the contents of the civvies because Communications.
Civvies moved to 3.

Next @soondifferent gets a free move/action and we go alll the way around until we get back to President Gaeta.

This is gonna be a long turn :) Settle in for the ride.

Sorry folks, the weekend happeneding.

Well, Cavil’s got to Cavil. I’ll put on my wizard robes and conjure a basestar in front, 3 raider groupies and a whimpering civie in the back.

Believe it or not, I am on your side, I just prefer an earned, dramatic victory instead of one filled with self congratulatory speeches and engine room nonsense. Also I expect that we’ll jump shortly, so this shouldn’t hurt much.


also sorry for the delay, I will Move to Pegasus Main Batteries

PopTart up next @rowe33

Well since I doubt my fellow humans will help here, and having nothing better to do, will try to spring myself out of the Admiral’s prison.

I saw this coming :)

A turn within a turn!

@Jorn_Weines already predicted this and is adding 0 cards to the brig escape.


I have no cards so I will put in my 0 early.

Now that I am no longer in office I will try my hand at prophecy. Cult Zarek will keep the faith!

I think it’s @Otthegreat Kat first before @rowe33 cally? @Knightsaber

Also, i believe the person left of the current player starts adding the skill cards for the check?
(Q: When an XO’d player starts a skill check, who plays first into the Check, left of the XO’d player, or left of the Current Player? (thread))
A: (Corey, FFG, to mainmandetroit) Left of the Current Player.)

And lastly, i believe we can still use an XO during State of Emergency?
(Q: Can XO or Critical Situation (Pegasus) be played in the same turn as “State of Emergency”?
A: (Tim, FFG, to infocynic) Yes.)

I completely missed that. I’m fine with taking my turn after rowe this time around since his prison break is already underway. As long as that’s okay with @Knightsaber?

Sorry, my bad on prompting the wrong person.

Yep we skipped @Otthegreat

Which is normally fine, but he might want something, I guess. It’s fine, take your turn, no one added any cards.

It’s totally easy to skip Ott anyway, can never find the guy.


I’m here, I’m here!

Okay, I’ll move to 2 which I think has a bunch of raiders in it now, doesn’t it?

Not yet. It probably will shortly. It does have a Viper and a Civvie in it though. And you can see the Raiders from here.

Okay now we move to @rowe33’s prison break attempt and start with @soondifferent. I assume Lantz and Jorn will stick with their 0 cards plan.

I mean, while we’re out of order I’ll take my cards early please? Thanks :)

No cards for me…

And none for me. @jeffreyb

Arrrgh. @soondifferent first, I was just assuming that you guys would still say 0, not start tagging people.

rolls face across keyboard

hates Turn-ception