Battlestar Galactica 18: Off to college, and then to War

I’ll Leadership 1(XO) @Lantz and see if Tory is a crack shot. Two shots is better than one.

If you’re a robot, I’m airlocking myself.

I think that XO would be better used on the President.

Do not judge the Cain.

I apparently can’t chose to reveal as a cylon just to call your bluff :(

I will use my first action to take a shot at the centurion if I miss I will take another. Otherwise I will do something different

Then do something else. Because as the saying about stopped clocks goes

Roll : 8

Or perhaps you had time at the range between shots.

Politics 1(CP) to draw 2 Tactics

Yowza, things are looking up!

Indeed! Now onwards to an unprecedented eight crises in a row without jump prep!

Oh this looks fun!

Start with @jeffreyb

Honestly, if not for or population loss already that would be a good one to tank. Roslyn is not a good President with her cancer.

Even if we did that, destiny would add six just to spite us.

I’ve got no cards, so it’s up to you mugs anyway. Save the peoples.

0 Cards

@CaseyRobinson you?

1 card.

Did I miss a @jeffreyb post? Is he in for 0, @CraigM?


1 card @Lantz

0 cards

Sorry I went out of order, but everyone can see I have no cards, and didn’t want to hold it up by being asleep when my turn came.

And I was playing X-wing so totally missed that you did so. I’m on to you, trying to skip the Cylon.

Sorry for the delay, dental checkup. As a human, I should floss more.

4 cards

1 card.

I worry.
