Battlestar Galactica 19: Operation Airlift

No choice really. Discard Politics 3,4,5 to keep the fleet going.

Make it so.
EDIT: that might have been enough, but eh…

Is it me or did they give you all the good cards?

His hand was amazing. I don’t know I’ve ever seen better.

I think I had a game like that except I was the Cylon then

Theo one game with all the brigging of a certain person

Evil reporting in! What a bender.

Wait, I’m seeing two suns. Maybe should go back to sleep.

3,4,5,6, almost a straight flush?

so i guess we just activate raiders? two civvies down for sure and maybe their admiral

That or activate basestar bridge twice for galactica damage. Might add more pressure + small chance of sending Billy back for more quality time with Cottle. Though civvies is probably the surer path to victory.

Maybe, but they’re gone for 1 turn.

I think you can only do that once though

No they just jumped in with the last crisis :)

Right now Craig is building the greatest Cylon fleet ever created!!! evilmode

Ah, I see, have two pick 2 different choices. That makes it less OP.

What card do you draw?

Oh yeah, treachery please.

Ok, let’s send the raiders to do their bloody work. Move to Cylon fleet and activate raiders

@CraigM - when do we get to watch this reenacted in Deadlock? ;)

Ah, well, that should settle it.

Screw it, I’m putting it up as is.

@soondifferent please select which civvie in 2 gets whacked.

Also sector order, it will impact where the Raiders in 4 go.

Should sector 3 have x7 raiders instead?

Just to confirm, no matter what the raiders in 4 will head to 5 right? Since there’s a civvie in 6?

No, I was mistaken on direction. They spawned and moved from 4 to 5, due to the clockwise movement rule (as corrected by @jeffreyb )

If you activate sector 4 before sector… oh, you’re right. They move to 5 no matter what. Because there’s one in 5 now, even if it blows up then they head towards 6.

Carry on!