Battlestar Galactica 22 - Craig's Not Here, Man

So, should I repair something or XO @rowe33 out of sickbay?

I will discard Engineering 1(Repair) to move to Pegasus CiC


I will send Dee @rho21 to the Brig

Okay, you know the drill.

Discard down to 2 cards.

Give your other Loyalty card to someone.

Politics 2(CP)
Leadership 0(AHoD), 2(XO)
Piloting 2(EM)

Extra loyalty to the Admiral per protocol.

@Otthegreat, Tactics or Engineering, please?

3 cards right? I even checked the pdf!

Frack, yeah, pick up the card you already edited out.

I see no need to make a new board for Ott’s turn, he gets a hand, the only changes are that Dee is in the brig and Hot Dog went to the Hot Dog factory.

Yaaaawn. Morning everyone, what did I miss? Why can I see bars?
Oh. Fracking toasters.

On the plus side, I can get out easily enough if I use my OPG.

Tactics, please.

Okay @Otthegreat, go ahead.

Same board but Dee is in the brig, Athena is in sickbay, and Hot Dog went to Robo-town.

Wonderful news.

And, yeah, I caught the score at the Albuquerque airport. WTF indeed.

I have this visual of Ott sitting around in a lounge chair, randomly yelling ‘Saturday’ at people, drinking heavily and visualizing precisely what he’ll do on his turn. And then randomly yelling ‘Saturday’ at more people.

That sounds amazing.

Sadly both my Saturday and Sunday were spent painstakingly cleaning, sorting, and counting tents.

Anyway, that long delay set the stage for something truly dramatic! I’ll XO @rowe33 out of sickbay

Ok here’s the deal - I’m 99% sure that our President is the other Cylon.

  1. Threw away 5 cards to protect 1 Food, which made no sense at all at the halfway point, if he was Human.
  2. Basically just wasted a turn by drawing 2 Quorum cards, likely looking for Arrest cards.
  3. Rho, Ot, and I all contributed positively to the check on Rho’s turn, no sabotage. Lantz/Soon abstain.
  4. Soon bows out of the crisis on my turn, despite being able to contribute. I lose my entire hand thanks to this (9 cards!!)
  5. Rho, Ot, and I all contributed positively again on the check on my turn, with the only spiking being the 4 cards from Lantz.

So based on this, I think it makes sense for me to travel (for free) to Administration, draw a Mutiny card, and (since Soon has one also) pick a new player to be President, probably Rho but I’m fine with a God Emperor Otis also. Please feel free to give me your thoughts on this!

@Otthegreat @rho21 (edited to add the notifications)

It’s an illegal move since the President doesn’t have a mutiny card. But I love your pluck! Keep them coming!

He’s had one for most of the game.

Oh, nevermind then.

Alright, here we go.

  1. Did you see the 5 cards I threw away? They were nothing. I could have easily said, we never lose by food, I’m saving politics for a more dire crisis and there has been precedent for it. If I had just turned cylon, I’d be trying hard to reduce any resources given how fortunate we’ve been. But I do value food as a human, because a food saved now is a food we can tank later.

  2. I could have XO’ed to escort one civvie when there was no real urgency. Or I could draw quorum as is my job

  3. That was not a crisis I could help with, and Dee requested that we didn’t chip in garbage anyway.

  4. That’s because I didn’t trust you, and I still don’t (a bit more now, given your discards, though that could just be luck.) You seem to bow out of (or chip in minimally) crises that you should be able to help with.

  5. Really the same thing as 4. Same crisis, same reasoning. You had vested interest to pass that crisis, and another cylon could be maintaining cover with a soft bid.

Finally, if I was a cylon I’d be working overtime to get rid of that mutiny card. I’d say something like, I have to get rid of this with sleepers around, sorry, it hurts us a bit but better than a human in the brig. But I didn’t, because it’s a bad card.