Battlestar Galactica 22 - Craig's Not Here, Man

The bad news is we also need to know if @Otthegreat wants Tactics or Engineering for his first hand.

He wants Tactics. No one ever wants Eng :P

This is probably true, but you know I really shouldn’t do such things. :)

I want… engineering!

Just kidding, Tactics, please.

Here we go kids, it’s all Admiral @Otthegreat right now.

The Ott summon:

Ramming speed!

I hit the bad ship with one of the good ships.

You mean Pegasus CiC?

Or did you drink a lot today?

Edit: He means Pegasus CiC

Drunk is the best way to crash spaceships.

And (possibly drunk) Admiral Shaw pulls the triggers on the big Pegasus guns, yelling ‘pew pew pew’ the whole time.

Roll: 7

Basestar damage: 2 damage = Basestar explodes in a BLAAAZE OF GLOOOORRRRY.


Kendra Shaw has to make a decision but she can’t make decisions so the Admiral makes decisions for her, but she is the Admiral so she makes this decision.


Vote for the vipers, assuming your cards aren’t insanely good. And possibly even then.

After a long debate with myself (and after sending Colonel Fisk to Galactica to procure more of Tigh’s whiskey) I choose A.

I hope Knight is in a good mood and “randomly” discards only my bad cards.

Okay, Vipers run back to Galactica, because there’s a new head of security. This makes tons of sense, trust me.

And Admiral Shaw discards via our favorite RNG device:

Leadership 4(AAC) and Tactics 1(LS)

That wasn’t so bad, really. Except there’s now a Basestar on the Cylon Fleet board in space 5, and the pursuit track advances…and @rowe33 has to place a Civvie on the board somewhere. And the Raiders will see that and be all like hawt-diggity!

While rowe is thinking furiously about this decision, @soondifferent, what mix of Tactics/Leadership do you want next turn?

I can put another in space 2, right?

Nope, has to be Civvie-unoccupied.

Well damn, space 3 then please.

@Knightsaber I’ll take one of each

Okay, civvie in 3, I’m sure the pilots will save them :)

Incoming new turn shortly.