Battlestar Galactica 25 - How Will You Know Who to Shoot First?

Yeah, seems pointless to risk this, as brutal as the attack will be.

Tanking, @Navaronegun?

I don’t think we really have a choice. I think we’ll weather a flurry, Jump and win.

0 cards @Jorn_Weines

0 cards @Navaronegun

0 Cards, @rowe33

0 for me also.


1 card


It will be a few hours before I get this updated.
As a shocking sneak peek spoiler, it will be a failure.

Does that mean that the Cylon Fleet jumps in on the Base Star activation, and then the rest activates?

Indeed, that’s the only reason I did it.

Not bad. Losing those two shots is less than optimal, but hopefully this will do some damage.

Gambling on rolling less than 3 on the damage tokens was also less than optimal :)

Neither fleet will be there long, I thought taking some shots while we could was the best move.

If they get a 3 distance card though, we have to work the add a civvie/roll the tracks as hard as possible.

The Cylon Fleet comes to visit on the Basestar activation, the Raiders shoot at everything, the Heavy moves to a decent space and more Raiders come onto the board before you jump away.

Positive Cards:
Leadership 0 (IW)

Negative Cards:
Politics 2 (CP)
Treachery 3 (ABM)

Check is -5 Failure:
A Better Maching: 2 More Treachery in Destiny
Failure Results: -1 Morale
Iron Will: -1 Morale

Check is Reckless:
0 Bait - 1 Civilian Behind Galactica
3 Personal Vices - Humans Receive 1 Treachery Each

  1. Basestar Activation Brings the Fleet
  2. @Perky_Goth plays Piloting - Run Interference
  • One Raider in 4 destroys civilian, other to 3
  • Two Raiders in 2 destroy civlians, other to 3
  • Raiders in 3 Miss
  1. Heavy moves to 4.
  2. More Raiders in 5 and 2

Destroyed Civilians:
-4 Population, -1 Fuel
BSG_ship_01 BSG_ship_03 BSG_ship_06

Humans Jump. Admiral Tigh will receive 3 destinations.

I would like to pause here for a review since that is very complicated.

I’ll take it.

Humans jump from what? I don’t see any jump prep on my super crisis :)

I wanted to make one tiny mistake so you’d have something to comment on ;)

I’m just guessing Perky will get jump prep next turn, because when don’t they.

@rowe33 you need to discard to 10.
@Perky_Goth I need your card draw on the off chance it changed

Say hello to my little fleet, you can take the human out of the Admiral but you can’t…take the Admiral out of the…robot…I guess?