Battlestar Galactica 26: Winning the Marathon

I’m up for it, but I’ll be traveling at the end of the month. So I think I’ll sit out this game and participate in the next one.

Am I on the ‘free seat’ list or the ‘battle royale’ list? Because we’re having one.

Ok Rho is in. Perky and Strollen demurred.

That leaves @Navaronegun @rowe33 @Lantz @jeffreyb @Otthegreat @Jorn_Weines and @scottagibson and @Knightsaber for 4 spots

We’re playing one card hold 'em. I deal each of you a card, then I seed 20 cards into a communal pool. In order you may choose to keep your card, swap for one from the board, which goes face up. You may select a face down or a face up card.

High card wins. In case of a tie then suit wins. Blue beats green beats red beats black. If you draw a joker, you are immediately eliminated. Got it?

The table


@scottagibson you pick first. Sit, or pick from the table

(cards are 1-20, starting with 1-5 in top row, 6-10 second etc)

I’ll pick card number 8.

One question on the rules: does it go round and round until everyone sticks or enough people are eliminated? Or is it one chance to swap each?


@Jorn_Weines your turn. Sit or pick

I’ll take card 12, please. @CraigM


@Otthegreat pick or sit

I’ll sit.

Very well, @Lantz your choice.

I’ll sit with my Prince and listen to Cold Coffee & Cocaine

Ok then, @jeffreyb

Number 3



Ok, so as it stands right now, Lantz, Otis, Navarone, and I would go through, correct? With KS and Navarone still to pick. @CraigM

this is correct.

But we can see what is there, and I’m sure you can run the odds. So do you play it safe?

@Navaronegun has a pretty plum position here, but isn’t guaranteed yet.

Fascinating…I’m right at the middle if I pick the available 8. So there are 24 worse cards and 27 better cards out there, including 3 eights of a better suit. But 7 of the lower and 3 of the higher cards are revealed already so it’s really a no brainer to pick an unrevealed card.

Aren’t you going to reveal a card for free that you know is worse so we can turn this into a Monty Haul problem??

One Dollar!!!