Battlestar Galactica 26: Winning the Marathon

I’ll be honest, there are two plays that won you the game.

The first is the decision to use the oft ignored ability of the Human Fleet location to jettison a 3 distance location. Because then @Lantz drew 2 two distance ones, extending the game that critical length.

Because the next three destinations were all 3 distance. Which meant that he had to play the Cylon Ambush, which gave the shots you needed to drop damage.

The second was to go for damage over centurions. The humans held, at one recent point, 3 calculate cards, drew plenty of SP cards, and had a brutal force Quorum card in hand. So it may have been tough, but I think they could push through that.

Much harder was pushing past the damage at the rate you could drop it. Only Lantz drew engineering, and coming out of that raptor was… not strategically sound.

Great game, well played all. All we needed in the end (as it happened) was another SP for the roll that ended up damaging FTL.

I was doing my best to use messages to my teammates to suggest to the cylons they should push the centurions, thinking we had a better chance if they did. :)

I think I drew 4 copies of Red Tape in that game, possibly 5. Such a bad card.

Good game everyone, that was a lot of fun to watch! And I’ll admit to being a little happy the Cylons in BSGiverse A also won.

Always better to blow up the Galactica than peacefully take it over with our centurion friends. Less paperwork involved.

I’m in for a game with KS or Craig again, whichever happens!

Find me 5 interested parties and give me a few days.

I will always play (obviously) but I know we’ve got a lot of players out there.

Me too.

I bet @Perky_Goth would like a seat.

Who else hasn’t gotten a spot for a while? eyes @CraigM


Time for a human win again (except when i’m cylon)

I’ll play if there is an open spot, but will also yield to someone who hasn’t played recently and wants to.

I’m game.

6 > 5

@rowe33, @Lantz, @jeffreyb, @scottagibson, @Perky_Goth, @Jorn_Weines

You get to battle among yourselves with the ‘Oh no, you go ahead’ polite comments to decide who sits out.

I vote for trial by random.

Trial by RNG is a thing I would do. It would disappoint someone, though.

The winners are guaranteed places, though?

Well, rowe and I won 26, the winners of 27 aren’t here, so I suppose if I picked him I could pick again? :)

@Otthegreat and @jeffreyb @scottagibson won 27, so there’s none.

Edit; fixed.

I yield my spot to @Jorn_Weines.


I will sit.

See? Everyone is so nice.