Battlestar Galactica 27: More Like a Beer Run

Man, it sucks to be human in this game. You’ve had no luck at all.

I kind of feel bad pretty much every time I turn over a card…

Yeah I feel a little icky being a Cylon in this one.

Still, you all need to die. It’s in the programming.

On the bright side, we have plenty of food and song to go around. Party while the world burns.

@jeffreyb want to nuke #5 for a final hail mary?

I’m sorry, food was wrong. It is 5 after the earlier crisis. I will fix it now.

Well, that changes everything!

Fixed. Still blue!!!

We’ll have to put a “NO APOLLOS” sign outside our Bacchanalia hall.

That gif always makes me want to rewatch BSG.

I’ve never rewatched BSG, though I’ve been meaning to for years. At least the first few episodes.

Yah nuke time

I’ll go over to Fisk to give him an 1XO + bonus gift in person. @jeffreyb

Also drawing 1 of each

what do you want to draw?

nuke + sp3 sector where all the raiders are


(All of this has happened before, all of this will happen again).

Sector 5
Roll is 6+2=8

1 Basestar Destroyed
19 Raiders Destroyed
2 Heavy Raiders Destroyed

@jeffreyb second action?

Oh, sure, things get even a little tough and you humans always reach for the nukes.

Yay! Did we unlock an achievement? Any bigger explosions in the past? @CraigM @Knightsaber

I think that wins.

Might be good to keep the raider around. Launch two vipers, one in 4 and 3