Battlestar Galactica 27: More Like a Beer Run

I can contribute a little, but nothing major.

My card picks were clearly prescient, but I was stymied by the deep state.

One card

It’s all I have.

0 cards @Jorn_Weines

The hangar damage is really paying off

Uhr, I add 1 card Not great, but might mitigate hostile destiny.

EDIT: BELAY THAT ORDER, One of the cards was not the one I thought.


2 cards


0 cards @lantz

That did not go perfectly for humanity…

Positive Cards: +5
Tactics 1 LS
Engineering 2R 2R

Negative Cards: -9
Leadership 5 DE, 1 XO
Piloting 3 CV

Total -4: Reckless Failure
Treachery Draw:
Bait 0 - 1 Civilian to Space #2
Bait 0 - No Effect
Dradus Contact 0 - 2 Raiders to Space #5
Exploit a Weakness 5 - @soondifferent select a human to get a Mutiny Card

Definitively a spike here, and it could be any the three of us that added.

Hhh. Interesting and unexpected. Any preference as to who should get the mutiny? Bit of a gamble since it could end up giving our resident toaster power.

I was about to volunteer so I could ditch it using the Press Room without paying a card to move to Caprica One… but that is not how that location works. If we’re super lucky it is an actually useful card, though.

I’ll gift it to D’Anna. She can always make an exclusive video about it if it’s something that can’t be played and we’re being bombarded by treacheries. @lantz

Don’t forget to check out the new game show where our contestants, Athena and Alex, tries to convince the jury of who is the best qualified to be CAG!

It wasn’t me. Though I guess I can’t prove that.

I think Athena is less likely to be the spiker since she has drawn Engineering-cards, whereas Crashdown hasn’t as far as I can see. I obviously didn’t add the piloting card, but both me and Crashdown has drawn leadership cards.

Of course working on the assumption that all the negative cards came from Destiny.

I’ve only had my initial draw so far, one each.

Brigging time so early in the game.

Yeah, most likely.

Should we try to brig him this upcoming turn before he gets to spike the next check?

Ok, Jump Prep backwards 1 spot. Population -1 to 9 remaining. @Jorn_Weines has his mutiny card. 2 Raiders in 5, Third civilian added to 2.

@scottagibson you have been dealt your hand.