Battlestar Galactica 29: Where No One Has Gone Before

I’m also in Europe and desperately hoping I still will be in a couple of months’ time.

Anyway, that’s a failure.

@Jorn_Weines does get to choose to damage Pegasus or Galactica.

Also he loses his hand.

I’ll do the Raiders after that.

Pst…chose Galactica.

For reference, discards are public. Jorn is throwing out:

Tactics 0(TI)
Piloting 1(EM), 2(EM), 2(EM), 4(MF)

Doesn,t matter what I pick to take into my hand, as it will be discarded anyways. Taking the piloting card won’t make it the check possible to save with a De either.

I guess damage on Pegasus is the best right now?

Maybe. Pegasus has a chance of sending me to sickbay right before my turn. And I’m best at repairing stuff provided I draw enough cards.

On the other hand, Snebmi can continue to send damage to Galactica (handily no-one else should be Cylon for now so we can rely on other damage going to Pegasus).

I’ll take the risk of hitting you, sorry. One hit to Pegasus @Knightsaber.

It was very dramatic, but it was the Engine Room that was hit.

Raider in 3 fires at an Unnamed Pilot - Roll: 2 (Miss)

Raider in 4 fires at Unnamed Pilot - Roll 5 (Hit)

@Perky_Goth, do we save him or what?

I gave you directions for this turn :P save him.

Yeah yeah. I have to ask in public. Also Jorn lost 3 EM’s, so I have to double-check.

Boomer attempts the rescue with a 1(EM) : Reroll 7 (He gets hurt worse than before)

2 Raiders in 4 move to 3 to hang out with the President.

+1 Jump Prep

Just one more to the jump?

Yes. If you’d let me post a board you’d see it :P

Oh also 2 Raiders move from 5 to 4 and 1 Raiders from 2 to 3. Sorry, forgot that bit.

Here you are, Admiral @rho21

Well I can no longer get Jeanne out of sickbay, unfortunately. Seemed better to use that card to try to keep Apollo’s hand intact. *shakes fist at destiny*

Unless anyone has a better idea, I’m going to move to the Engine Room then use my power of discarding a couple of engineering cards to fix FTL.

We’ll poke at them. @Perky_Goth, @soondifferent, @Jorn_Weines

Eh, I’m at work right now so I’m in no rush to think about it too closely.

Sound like the best option ATM.

FYI, I turned over the crisis card so I could get a copy of it, and I now know what the best option is.