Battlestar Galactica 29: Where No One Has Gone Before

Good game everyone! Sorry I wasn’t checking in as much at the end there. And sorry @soondifferent for the FTL thing.

And I just realized: Currently my win rate on Qt3 (Slack included as well, three games of codenames) is 0/7.

BSG is a tricky beast to learn. The FTL being hit probably would not have stopped them, the Chief would have drawn a Repair (I looked), using his ability, he could have repaired it and used it on the same turn. So, no fretting, RNG is as RNG does in BSG.

Oh, <deity>, I repairs in my hand for ages. I even discarded a few so that they could cycle back into other hands. I also had a DC to spring a second mutiny on soon, but he played his and had no crisis skill check. Grrr.

Also, this.

For the second jump, you mean? I thought I had a 1 and a 2 to choose between. The 1 seemed like the obvious best choice right then as we needed all our humans.

Turns out I’d misread the cards on my phone and there was a 3 available. Getting to 5 gives the possibility of getting straight to 8, so I might have gone with that. The downside was a bit painful though, so the 1 was probably the best choice.

It’s not that interesting. I added an extra Not A Cylon card at the beginning, and Boomer and Baltar both added another, so the fact that you picked both of them kind of negated the possibility, but I’d set it up at the start that there was a 50/50 chance of no 2nd Cylon.

For fun.

Basestars were shy this game and all the raiders flocked together. Humans and RNG kept the CFB well pruned this game!

Also, adding the Cylon attack cards is a massive mistake with the CFB. Don’t do that. If you all weren’t attacked on the first turn it would have been a lot easier.

Yup, what @knightsaber said. It’s a big game and even like 10+ games in I’m still learning.

Admittedly some lessons are absolute in their answer.

Such as the revealed Cylon. The answer is always draw one treachery and one piloting or engineering, whichever you have less of. It’s not exciting, but unless your super crisis dictates otherwise, it’s the right call.

Then why did nobody tell me it was a bad idea to draw politics all game??

Nobody was on your side most of the game :) (or was in hiding…)

Hey look what @Rock8man found
Battlestar Galactica: Final Season

My god, 10 years already?

I had a blast reading that thread, I hadn’t ever read it before today.

I know, right?

nudges @CraigM for no particular reason

Wow, can’t believe humanity won that game in the end. Maybe it was my change of tune, pulling for humanity when it looked most grim for them? Well done!


A slight stirring in the darkness…

That reminded me of song names…

  • The Shape of Things to Come
  • Baltar’s Dream
  • Something Dark is Coming
  • Prelude to War
  • One Year Later :P
  • Heeding the Call
  • Resurrection Hub

Or, from Blood And Chrome

  • You Will Regret This