Battlestar Galactica XX: The Super Crisis Shuffle

Then I got nothing. @rowe33 @CraigM

Yes, they would trigger.

Virgon Voyager to Galactica, we have spotted Centurions during salvage operations. Send escort immediately!

The Presidential shuttle was the only ship capable of aiding that was not otherwise engaged. President Foster, on her way to do the usual schmoozing that allowed her such wide latitude as President, was on board.

She gave the mission a go, every human life was critical now, they needed to send rescue.

For an hour they dropped out of contact, only to return with the mining crew in tow, and a Raptor shot to hell. President Foster, dirty and scuffed, practically fell out of the craft. Chief Tyrol, initially apalled at the state of the craft, took time to look it over to see if anything was salveagable. After a few moments he radioed the CAG.

‘She looks like hell, but it seems like a few hours, and some new body panels, and I’ll have her running again’

President Foster, having caught her breath, stood up and gave the thumbs up.


Tactics 6 SFF
Treachery 0B

Total +1

@Perky_Goth the raiders launch, but only 4 are in reserves. Since each Basestar can launch up to 3, you choose which ones go, up to 3 in either space.

Grrrr, i wonder where that card went

I only revealed destiny, since we all knew yours.

Granted you guys still lose one Raptor, and @Perky_Goth is going to sickbay, but I figured the story needed a happier ending since you guys lucked into not being Reckless ;)

Since it wasn’t saving us by giving us fuel, that was nice.
I think putting the raiders closer to the pilots might be best, but let’s see what they say. @rowe33 @rho21

Lucked into an arrest card, into revealing the right loyalty card, getting exactlly the right activation symbol to escape the fleet, a million jump preps in row etc etc

Yes, yes, insert salt robot haha ;)

Praise Nuffle.

They’re likely going to activate Raiders at some point during the two Cylon turns so I’d rather have more go into sector 5 with the other 4 already there. As long as we keep the civvy in 3 alive, they’ll have to keep moving towards it, once the poor guy in 6 is dead.

Makes sense.

3 raiders to 5 and 1 to 4. I also need to discard at the of the turn, I’ll throw out 0FtH.

@Lantz your draw

and your board, when ready


Lots of options here but with resources as they are no path to immediate victory looks like.

Activating raiders only kills one civvie (small chance it would be fuel)
Caprica you never know what might turn up and insta-loss on jump prep

Maybe if we roll track first and damage (automatic with this many raiders) we can assess from there

if we get lucky we could push them back on jump prep twice and get ourselves another round. Seems unlikely but it’s not a bad chance.

I have a rules type question, if we roll and get the pursuit track option then that’s just basically worthless at this point, right?

The civvie placement still happens so thats not bad.
Rolling back once they would need two prep on rowe and rho his turn to be able to jump

I am confused why that would happen, it isn’t the same square…

the second step of the pursuit track mandates a placement of 1 civvie i believe

oh duh, thanks. Let’s go for it:

I will draw treachery and leadership because I can’t draw 2 treachery right?
Then I will roll the the jump/pursuit track
Then I will damage galactica

The Die Roll!

Everyone hold on to your butts.

We agreed you can just draw 2 treachery this game , will fix it next game