Battlestar Galactica XX: The Super Crisis Shuffle

May as well enforce it now though since we know it’s incorrect.

I disagree. The weak sauce treachery are there because we didn’t know/enforce it before.

And Craig already ruled on it

I couldn’t find where we talked about it - now I think I remember though. Something about you can only draw 1 of each type but we included crappy Treachery cards so drawing 2 was ok?

Yeah. It’s way up in the thread but that’s the gist of it

Yeah. I note that By Your Command is one of the ones that would normally have been removed. Probably because of the interaction with the Cylon fleet board we just ran into.

This game would have been much simpler if Craig had just given me the Cylon card. I was all set to unleash hell.

Roll is a 5, pursuit track +1 @rho21 place civilian

damage options sent.

I shall Damage the FTL

Don’t bother repairing it guys, I can use damaged locations! Everything is cool.

Treachery for my cards please @CraigM

Zone 2 please

roll track and damage if @Lantz agrees?

Meh, that can’t stop us.
I hope.

Seems like it’s our only real chance at this point…

Yeah, let’s go for it @CraigM

Roll track
Roll damage

Very well, the die is cast, lets see what fate determines.

damage pull incming.

The dice… are not helpful. Roll 6.

hangar bay

@rowe33 your fifth card.

I’ll take Leadership please. @CraigM

well, frak