Battlestar Galactica XX: The Super Crisis Shuffle

I guess we saved our luck for the coming three turns or something :(

All yours.

Interesting - what do you guys think? I could completely neutralize the 5 raiders in my area without firing a shot, if they activate. So they’re no threat if I stay here.

Which makes me think someone else would be better off with an XO - @Perky_Goth @rho21 - who could use it more to help the cause?

I feel that if we’re going to lose it will most likely be to Galactica damage right now (either directly or by hitting fuel and the fuel civilian). If we have a repair between us (I don’t have one), we can clean up FTL and we’re pretty much sorted. If we don’t, I think we’re going to have trouble surviving the Cylon turns (unless we draw three straight jump prep).

If you have a repair yourself, I’m capable of handling the local raiders without your assistance, so you should probably land and use it.

Things I can do if you XO me:

  • Blow up a basestar. Might save us some damage rolls. Small chance of also killing some raiders.
  • Escort a civvie to safety (sadly I think I can only get to the one in zone 2). Gives more space to drop new ones if it gets back to the Cylon turns.
  • Shoot at the local raiders.

Alternatively, Tory’s adaptibility gives us a chance of getting a repair. Might well be of more value to us than one fewer basestar. Or it might not if we draw nothing but basestars shoot. :)

I can repair and/or add resources, neither of which is as good as shooting at the moment.
Or maybe not, damage is piling up, as rho said.

Can either of you scout out the next crisis? I could but then we’d only get 1 action. I don’t have any repairs unfortunately.

Scouts have not been a hand priority, but I might be able to do more than one thing.

No scout here. I say we go with the line that leads to a likely victory (repairing FTL) and hope it doesn’t get blown up again immediately.

I may or may not have an XO by next turn and I don’t draw engineering, so we may well not get to jump before the Cylon turns if we don’t take this chance now.

Makes sense - I’ll stay put and play L1 XO on the President so she can repair FTL. This also leaves you open to moving elsewhere, if necessary, rho21.

@Perky_Goth @CraigM

Quorum, going to play Resources for Galactica regardless of draw to repair FTL and 2 mk vii.

Can’t XO and CS on the same turn, tho.

You need to discard before moving (if that still matters)

No moving involved.

I read that as moving to quorum and playing regardless of what he drew.

@CraigM, whenever you can, the Resources for Galactica is still the play

Ah, I interpreted it as use president card to play one, draw one.

@Perky_Goth you move or no?

I can’t use the movement for something else (ops), and I’m in a good place, so yes, Quorum Action and the card that needed playing. I tried to save time by saying what I drew was irrelevant to the choice, but failed miserably.

Yeah I think things got a little goofed when I put your piece on the quorum spot, instead of sickbay. Just realized that the board showed that.

So, yeah.


You can take my 0TI to move, then. No point in hanging around in target city. (much less the brig, of course)

Very well, all fixed up, quorum stuff done.



@rowe33 you choose.