Battlestar Galactica XX: The Super Crisis Shuffle

Can’t only in your space area :)

@rowe33 right now

So good news for team Cylon, that civilian is not empty.

It is, however, only -1 pop.

All other activations go as planned by @rowe33

Will move on sector 3 once @rho21 shows up.

Bleh, whatever! I will not abandon you, pilot buddies! Invoke former executive privilege to play that card anyways, without congressional, administrative, or Cylon approval.

Whatevs, my RI is better anyway cos it’s a 5RI.

Praise Nurffle once again!

Ok, the first 4 automagically miss (it also drops you to 10 cards)

The fifth still shoots, and rolls an 8.


I’ve got nothing for this one.

Ok, I’m looking things over and… I think that seals it. @rho21 playing a card seals it, since there is no discard, which means no Sabotage potential, which means even if the Viper goes poof (which can be prevented, but not playing the RI might have made touchy), then the ship can jump.

I’m gonna be honest, @Perky_Goth playing RO probably changed the game. Otherwise Perky and Rowe both end their turns in the brig.

Well done team human. You managed not to die.

@jeffreyb and @Lantz you made it close, real close. Unfortunately the dice did not cooperate when reducing jump prep. (I rolled them another 5 times on Jeffry’s turn before I got a result that would have helped, fate was not on your side there). Had you done that the next crisis might have aided you some.


But probably not quite enough.

So close, well played on both sides.

Good game all! Thanks to my fellow humans for deciding to trust me, post-Sleeper phase.

Can we go back and replay the game from that point, only this time I’m the Cylon? It won’t take long :D

Yay, I did something right! Should’ve gotten more use out of all those CP and PP, but I did something!

Good game.

Hmm he could have discarded the treachery on his turn if he wanted to land no? (ie landing doesn’t cost a card, don’t remember) Not that that would be likely

We accept defeat, congrats humans

Thanks for playing such a great game, guys. I’ve really enjoyed following it along! :)

I honestly thought we were screwed with the state of all the resources. We narrowly avoided disaster by getting the Admiralty into human hands or Lantz surely would’ve guided the fleet right into the nearest star.

I see a new victim… Uhh… Player ;)

I wasn’t planning to discard the treachery either at turn end or to move. And I have four copies of Evasive Manoeuvres to avoid getting shot down here.

Thanks all for the game. Finding @Lantz’s cylon card swung everything massively. Great fortune for the humans, that. Sorry for not immediately trusting you about that one, @rowe33 (in hindsight I should have). I have a tendency to distrust coincidences, and that was a pretty big one.

Join up!

Also, @rowe33, I might have been “mad” at you a few times because I forgot your character limitation. I don’t know how that sounded throughout the game, but sorry about that.

I don’t think it was clear cut who to trust, but thinking about the last game (thanks @soondifferent), we just had to make a choice, because either of them could wait for a death strike.

My limitation actually didn’t come into play very much at all. For most checks, I wouldn’t have played more than 2 cards even if I could, because of my card distribution or the situation. I don’t recall any anger though, so no worries!

Oh, and before I forget, extra special thanks to @CraigM for running the game, dealing with all the silly situations we managed to produce and writing some very entertaining prose to provide a story for the game.