Battlestar Galactica

Apparently a kid put the missile launcher in his mouth, and fired the missile.

Wow. I always thought that was just another urban legend from the late 70s, like the ol’ Pop Rox and Coke blowing up a kid’s stomach one.

NBC is going to reair the miniseries in January.,1002,271|92184|1|,00.html

Is SciFi owned by NBC? Tried to check their site, but found no information.

Was it on tonight?

Yes (it’s part of NBC/Universal), and yes (tonight’s ep was “Flesh and Bone”).

Good episode. One of those “psychological” ones. Further viewing and more episodes may make it turn out to mean nothing, but then again, I’ve read the one-line episode synopses, so I know some of what they say is true.


[color=white]For those wanting more blammo, 2 episodes from now will be the remake of the last original Battlestar Galactica episode – where the Galactica takes on a Base Star.

Then they find Kobol.[/color]

In response to spoilers:

Can’t wait to see it. I wonder where they’re going after that.

Now, see, this is where we as a society need to say to the grieving parents, “the toy company is not responsible for the fact that your child was a witless moron - you are - and boy did you ever deserve to get your kid killed for being dumb enough to give him something potentially dangerous when he was ONLY FUCKING THREE YEARS OLD” and go right on making dangerous toys and letting parents exercise their judgement, as is their responsibility, as to whether or not to buy it for their kid.

I was watching Survivor tonight and I’m pretty sure the host is a cylon…

Well, Baltar’s fallen off his rocker. That was the good part about the episode. Goes round and round in his chair… Come to think of it, I think the Cylons are starting to lose it too. Number Five and Boomer on Caprica need to up their meds.

The sitcom-in-the-lab? Not so good.

No new episodes until January 3rd, which is about when this will start up on Sci-Fi, so everyone that’s missed it can attempt to catch up.

That was a brilliant ending shot. I hope to see as little as possible of Mrs. Tigh though…

I rather liked the sitcom.

But why is Baltar not telling the truth? I could have kind of understood not telling in Boomer’s case, since she is part of the Galactica crew. I was really hoping that he’d at least tell Adama about it. However, the question about Ellen Tigh is just rather odd.

Actually, we don’t know that he isn’t telling the truth. Six never actually said she was a Cylon, just to watch her. She actually doesn’t seem to know whether the Colonel’s wife is or isn’t, which explains why she suggest to Baltar to watch her, yet needs to ask him what the real result was at the end.

I got the imprssion that he’s not telling them in the name of an easier life. And yes, I got the impression that Six just had a strange feeling about the awful Mrs. Tigh - she’s generally been more upfront if she actually knows the answer to something. And of course, nobody says she has to be with the Cylons to be a threat.

The idea that she’s a power threat was the primary reason I figured Six told Baltar to watch out for her, not because she was a cylon.

Or possibly just an unknown factor - after all, the last guy knew enough about them to rattle their cages. That would certainly fit into the whole ‘lab rat’ vibe they’ve got going at the moment.

All this stuff aside, wasn’t this episode a total waste of time? The “Is Adama a Cylon?” stuff wasn’t resolved. A new, incredibly annoying character was introduced to a cast that already has far too many characters. A lot of the plot points, includling the climactic “Is Baltar telling the truth about a Cylon detection result?” have already been covered in past episodes. And that whole thing with the Cylon Raider didn’t go anywhere. Was there any point for that ship to be zipping around out there for the entire episode? If it was meant to symbolize the way the Cylons themselves are mysteriously hovering around the fleet, it didn’t work, because I pretty much forgot all about that sub-plot while enduring those long scenes with Ellen Tighe.

Oh, and I’m still waiting for someone to openly say “Hey, the Cylons are just toying with us.” The suicide-run Raider made this really, really clear, as the ship jumped all over the place for an hour or more, but then took a good, long run at the Galactica when it went kamikaze. Uh, why? If the goal was to blow up the Galactica’s bridge, couldn’t it have warped in right off the bow of the ship and then self-destructed? Starbuck did finally say that she thought this one ship was playing games, but Adama and the president should be discussing the likelihood that the Cylons have known the fleet’s location all along, and that the Cylons could destroy them at any moment.

Anyhow, thought this episode was really weak. The overall plot doesn’t seem to be going anywhere now. Every episode rehashes the same old stuff – Cylon paranoia, some Baltar interaction with Six coupled with some moments of him acting really goofy, a few clips of Helo running on Caprica, tense moments between Adama and the president, etc.

Next episode: The Galactica takes on a Cylon Base Star. There, something happens. Happy. :)

Very much. Well, except for the wait until January. :(