Battlestar Galactica

Well, thanks everyone. I’ll now start re-binging BSG. Since I have to exercise fire discipline for my Re-View of TOS.

Not sure I recommend a rewatch, I did so 4-5 years ago. If you do I recommend you stop after the first half of Season 4. Show should have ended there. At any rate DO NOT WATCH ‘THE PLAN’!

In general I think “it was so bad that it ruined the good parts before it”-arguments are bullshit, but The Plan is so bad it ruins the good parts of BSG that came before it.

Oh, Jorn, I was disappointed like most of the Sci Fi world. But I am a completest. I’ll do the whole thing.

At least the game lets me play the Saul I want to have happened rather than the one they…you know…

Look, the final five reveal sucked hard, but the Season 3 finale with Bear McCreary’s take on All Along the Watchtower gives me chills

The scene has one of the best lines in the series, though.

Shh…come here so I can whisper…not a fan…I know, heresy…

I am however a Philip Glass freak.

and they are all free on Amazon Prime (except Razor). Fantabulous.

You’re no longer welcome in my BSG games.

I’ surprised I didn’t get banned for not slathering love all over Bear McCreary. I’ll assume you will all just backstab me in the games instead.

No, only if you think the Final Five made any sense, actually believe the Cylons had any sort of plan, or I get dealt a Cylon card.

Look, I don’t need to plan that, the Crisis deck does it for me ;)

They did. Vengeance. Is that a plan?

Edit: Maybe liberty and vengeance? Libervengeance?

Music is so … personal. When it connects, it connects. Sometimes it’s lyrics, sometimes just instrumental, sometimes a combination. It’s almost magical and primal and unexplainable. I read a negative review of an album I loved once, but instead of getting mad, I just laughed. I think I was only 17 at the time, but I was old enough to realize that someone else not connecting with that album and giving it a negative review meant absolutely nothing to my enjoyment of it. Ever since that day, I never get upset over someone not liking a piece of music that I do. With things like games, movies, tv shows, novels, I still sometimes fall into the trap of “oh my god, but can’t you see that part was on purpose, it’s brilliant, you should recognize, by golly!” But with music, that whole concept seems funny. Music connects with us not on any kind of “objective” scale of any kind. It’s connects with the old ape brain in us.

It was the first time I’d even heard that song, so it was incredibly powerful for me. After the season finale, I tracked down any version of that song that I could find, which was both Dylan’s version and Hendix’ version, but McCreary’s version was the first I heard, so that one still has the most powerful effect on me.

Absolutely. I love Glass. I know others who just can’t stand him. There is no rationality, I think, when it comes to taste in music. It’s pure “like” and sub-conscious. Ape brain, like you said.

Miniseries is in the can.

This thing is so feaking good on a rewatch. Seeing the “afterlife” parallels w martyrdom from he beginning. It’s there with the first skinjob they meet. Glad I am doing this.

Helo is so good, am I rite?

Yes. I’ve forgotten little things (like whether we see him again or not), so those little mysteries are keeping me on the edge of my seat.

I also remembered that I have a thing for her:

As well as my obvious man-crush/identity crisis:

The mini-series is so good, and 33 is a great season opener.

33 may be the best episode of the series. Tough call between that. And Act of Contrition/ You Can’t Go Home Again

33 is in the can. I’ll get back to you on that.