I was reading Rich LaPorte’s Roll Call (www.gonegold.com) this morning and felt the need to post. It may be the extensive news coverage the recent kidnappings are getting, but I am being more careful with my child than ever. On CourtTV last night an expert was talking about how the incidence of child abduction is actually down in recent years and people should be more worried about bike and car safety than their child getting nabbed. I know it is more probable that my daughter could be hurt falling off of her bike, but somehow I would feel better if my child was hurt in an accident than if some sicko picked her out to rape and kill.
I’m not much for Islamic punishments, but this story describes one that would be well suited to the fucker who took that little girl:
I agree 100%!! You knwo, I don’t necessarily agree with the death penalty but when it comes to people that prey on little children then we should execute these fu*kers!
20 days to appeal and then he receives his sentence. I wish we had more of that here in the 'ol U.S. of A. I really cannot think of a punishment severe enough for that bastard in California.
That guy’s got to know that he has signed his own death warrant, but obviously his thoughts are twisted. Hopefully he will share the same fate as the Night Stalker - barely escaping a mob, then beaten to death in prison.
I saw the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children quoted that there are 200 to 300 such case annually nationwide. Relatively rare, but that’s still one every couple days!
My daughters’ school has increased security and changed the drop-off/pick-up procedures. They were careful before, but now they are trying to restrict movement of adults near the children. The playground is contiguous with a large public park, which is then next to an arterial road that leads to Interstate 5 about a mile away. It is reassuring to see them act so quickly - I’m sure they would have put snipers on the roof if they had the budget.
That’s even higher than I would have guessed. Is it that only the cute white kids make big news, or does that number include abductions by estranged parents? I’m sure many of the latter are wrong, but I assume in most cases are nowhere near as bad as the rape & murder cases.
I went to their website (www.missingkids.com) and found the following info in their FAQ. I’m not sure anyone keeps solid numbers on it:
Q: How many missing children are found deceased? What hours are most critical when trying to locate a missing child?
A: According to the State of Washington’s Office of the Attorney General “the murder of a child who is abducted … is a rare event. There are estimated to be about 100 such incidents in the United States each year, less than one-half of one percent of the murders committed”; however, “74 percent of abducted children who are murdered are dead within three hours of the abduction.”
Based on a 1990 report, they say there are 3200 to 4600 “nonfamily abductions” annually. Assuming both numbers are accurate, most abductions don’t end in murder.
That’s even higher than I would have guessed. Is it that only the cute white kids make big news, or does that number include abductions by estranged parents? I’m sure many of the latter are wrong, but I assume in most cases are nowhere near as bad as the rape & murder cases.[/quote]
You hit the nail on the head. There are plent of minority children stolen from there families and yet you never hear about it.
20 days to appeal and then he receives his sentence. I wish we had more of that here in the 'ol U.S. of A. I really cannot think of a punishment severe enough for that bastard in California.
I just heard that at San Quentin in California there are 616 people on death row. The average stay before the sentence is carried out: 10 years.
I wonder if a father could get off with a temp. insanity plea for speeding up the process. The cops find the guilty party with hard evidence, drop the Dad a hint about where they are headed, and then a nice gut shot or two. Then maybe a traffic tie up with the ambulance. Sugar accidentally spilled into the wound. Fire ants find their way onto his person as he awaits the ambulance in an AIDS needle filled gutter in some back alley. Bleeds to death, covered with ants and rats over the period of, let’s say, seven or eight days.
In a nation of 28 million children under the age of 15, that’s about a 1 in 100,000 chance. I’m curious what the exact population distribution is, as apparently half of the murdered are over age 12.
My brother in laws a cop and he got word of the police report from Orange County… its sick what this guy did to the girl, its sick enough that the news wont report it, which I’m glad they didn’t … and only 5 years old. We’ve heard of depraved acts that people do, but to do it to a 5 year old … its just depressing.
I used to be an intern at Cook County hospital in Chicago during college and the stories I heard of child abuse (even to babies) is truly deadening to the heart. The reality is we all know that terrible stuff happens day in day out … out of sight out of mind keeps us sane, but its still tterribly sad to hear about news like the one of the girl in Orange County.
I heard the mother begging for her daughter’s life the day before they found her and then the 911 call from the guy (who had a 3 year old) who found her. Both were heart wrenching.
As a father of a 16 month old girl, it seriously makes me consider what I would do in that situation. I would definitely contemplate ways to kill the guilty shithead.