Because there can never be enough Zombie games

Nigger, please.

Shit, you guys are fast. Let’s try this again: Humor is a good thing, and if you make jokes about anorexia taboo, you’re also going to have to make jokes about a huge range of topics taboo, and that’s probably a bad thing. So I was overstating my point.

But I think this particular joke isn’t a particularly good one, and I personally would have had a more positive reaction to the preview page if they’d taken a pass on it, or compromised by listing something like “salad” or “celery.”

Their social outcast is named Carrie, for fucks sake. I don’t think they’re singling out airheads here.

Yes, all the characters are major, major cliches. It’s intentional. Zack is a complete nerd (buck teeth and all), Andy is a dimwitted stoner (on the record, he’s a skater, but jeez, he’s so obviously a stoner), Carrie is a depressed goth outcast, and Jennifer is a retarded cheerleader. The food thing is a little stupid, I admit. Blame the marketing department at our publisher though – they came up with it. The Zack quote, on the other hand, is real – it’s actually a line in the game, and (in context) one of the funnier ones.

I’ll pass on the note that the story page is busted. We’ve been fairly miffed at the way the marketing department sometimes butchers things. Our HD trailer, for example, was painstakingly compressed by Jeremy so that it would lose almost no quality. So what does marketing do? Compress it again. Yes, compress an already compressed HD movie. Way to go, marketing. Same with the “screenshots.” I say it in quotes because they’re really just screencaps from the trailer, instead of the hi-res ones we provided. Not to mention you can’t even click to enlarge them.

Scry, feed your marketing department to your zombie models.

You DO have zombie models to base the game on, right?

I saw this game as an xbox 360 launch title a few years ago. Did they add some more to the gameplay? Before it was like a 3d smash TV

Scry, any chance for an XBox 1 backport?

With Unreal 3? Unlikely.

Ahh, good call. They stopped XBox support in UE2. Sad panda. :(

On the other hand, it’s kind of funny that the two non-arcade games I would now buy an XBox 360 for are both zombie games!

Hey, Dead Rising’s not a bad reason at all to pick up a 360 :)

(I assume you’re referring to Dead Rising.)

Yeppers. Those plus the Live Arcade games (Joust, Smash TV, Contra, etc) and the plug-and-play iPod capability wiggles my willy. I figure I’ll be able to afford one next summer; I’m OK with waiting now that I have both Destroy All Humans 2 and Tony Hawk 8 on the original XBox.

Hmm. Sounds familiar. Did they also ask you for clips no longer than 10 seconds, and with no sound or music? Because that happened to us. They also butchered a developer diary into a no-holds-barred advert. It’s to be expected, I guess. The problem was, when they did it, I was pretty naive, thinking that the word “diary” implied honesty.

Looking forward to the game very much, by the way.

What you might have seen was the Reality Engine version, which was more a proof of concept than a full game. I’m also not sure if you’re confusing it with something else, because development didn’t even start on the original MM until about 2 or 3 months before the 360 launch.

But yes, it’s a lot different now. There’s more exploration, and the gameplay is more structured than the previous “throw as many zombies at you as we can” style. There are also some action RPG elements that I think have really added to the game.

Haha, they did that too! The diary thing. In fact, instead of butchering a DD, they just wrote their own and slapped Jeremy’s name on it. It was pretty embarrassing to read.

Hey Scry. I just googled Reality Engine, and it looks to me like you guys own and sublicense that. Is there a story behind the switch to Unreal? Is Reality Engine going away?

Yeah, there’s a couple good stories behind that, but this one covers most of it. What the story doesn’t mention, though, is that after Tim left, Jeremy became president of Artificial Studios and Epic granted AS a free UE3 license. Thus the switch.

To make a long story short, Epic bought Reality, hired its creator, and then shut it down. Ironically, I’m a Reality Engine licensee myself, but ended up working at Artificial. I still own the license, though.

I know nothing about this game, or its beloved predecessor, but looking at the screenshots reminds me of a zombie version of Freedom Force. And that’s a good thing.

Hey! Glad I wasn’t the only one who got a Freedom Force vibe off that trailer…I think the fact that the font looked very similar to FF’s helped a lot. And picking up stuff and throwing it. And the overhead view.

Man, now I wish there was a multiplayer, action-oriented version of Freedom Force.

That would be a great idea for a console version of Freedom Force. :)

Video of this game on the Marketplace, incase it wasn’t already mentioned in this thread.