Behold the Laotian Rock Rat!

Only dead ones had been seen by biologists before now.

The long-whiskered rodent was branded as a new species last year when biologists first examined dead specimens they found being sold at meat markets.

That really does happen a lot. I wonder if I could get a grant to travel third world countries and check out the meat markets for new species.

That thing looks like it’s plotting to kill us all and take its planet back.

It’s a rat with a fuzzy tail. Calm down.

Oh come on, you don’t think the animal in that picture looks like it’s scheming something? I’m commenting on a rat caught in an interesting pose, not jumping on my chair and shrieking.

Well, I’m not supposed to talk about this, but back in my black ops days I, Tex, Kowalski, and Little Pup spent a very long night on some Laotian rocks, fending off fanged attacks from below. We all made it out…But Tex? We called him Lefty from then on.

The researchers just don’t want to admit that they couldn’t tell the difference between it and the Vietnamese Cave Rat.

I am.

I knew it! God bless Tex, man. God bless him. Poor bastard.

Here’s to Tex and all the pieces of him we couldn’t find.

Man, I discovered living fossils all the time. All I had to do was take an upper-division science course from a tenured faculty member BUDUMTISH.

I think it looks more like it’s hungover and wants the photographer to leave it alone so it can sleep.

I think it’s interesting that there’s a demand for the meat. I guess being rare has some perks.

JMJ - Hm … what was that? Came out of nowhere and blew up Tex’s arm.

Pup - I dunno. Some kind of rat?

Tex - Damn, that thing messed up my arm something fierce. Think I need a rabies shot?

JMJ - You’ll be fine Tex. Walk it off. Think we can chop up the rat and sell it?

So is it Chinese or Japanese?

I, for one, welcome our new Laotian rock rat overlords.

I just bought this Laotian Rock Rat on impulse. Now I’m thinking of taking it back to the open-air market. Are there any ‘adult’ hair-encrusted meat pockets for this thing?

Hmm, not worth a monkey eye but close to a cricket. If human arm attached, please call.

WTF, I thought you were civilized East Asian Man.

Hmm, not worth a monkey eye but close to a cricket. If human arm attached, please call.

Edit: I would eat the rat.

WTF, I thought you were civilized East Asian Man.