Best DS strategy games?

Not that’s been announced. Battalion Wars 2 is coming out soon, but it is a sequel to the “suck” GameCube version. I think the game has a lot of potential for being it’s own cool thing and hope it delivers, but I’m not expecting much.

It’s best not to connect Battalion Wars to Advance Wars (which I assume is why it’s called Battalion Wars and not Advance Wars Under Fire as it was originally going to be called). I think it’s perfectly fun for what it is, but if you’re going in expecting Advance Wars then you will obviously be disappointed.

I bought battalion wars on sale for $10, it’s decent and the idea if managing and army works somewhat, but I wouldn’t pay anything more for it.

Front Mission DS comes out next week, oct. 23rd.

Dare I buy this before waiting for reviews? I love the Front Mission games and am starved for a good new game. Hmm. The other game I’m waiting for is Panzer Tactics, out a week later, which is supposed to have a Panzer General flavor, something I haven’t seen for a long time, like since Panzer General…

I’m dying for Front Mission DS and Panzer Tactics DS, but I’ve decided to wait for reviews on both. Here’s to them not sucking.

I love the name, ‘Wanzers’.

What could be better for a bunch of wankers enamoured with panzers?

Surprised I hadn’t heard about this before now considering how much I love the series. I’m going to miss the characters from the three previous games, but maybe this will finally win over the haters who can’t stand saving the day with 12-year old COs.

It’s a DS version of the original SNES Front Mission (which never came out in the US). So they could have botched the port, or somehow severely fucked the balance with additions, or something. But it seems like a fairly safe bet. You could probably check out the fan-translated ROM, as a decision aid.

Only caveat - it could be ‘The Settlers’ … solid PC game, suck-tastic DS game.

Well, Front Mission was already a console game, and from my understanding the formula didn’t really change from 1 to 4. And I can definitely vouch that 3 and 4 were great. (Go get FM4 for PS2 if you don’t have it – it’s like $10 now.)

It’s like FFT minus the job system, but with customizable mechs and configurable skills. What’s not to like?

Honestly, I think they’d have a really hard time screwing it up. Though, that said, I am a bit disappointed with FFT for PSP – Yeah, it’s a literal port, but then again, it’s a literal port of a 10-year-old game with lots of shitty usability anachronisms.

Yeah, but that’s a PC-to-DS port. A little different than an SNES-to-DS port…for one thing, Square Enix already has plenty of experience mining their back catalogue over and over and over again… ;P