Best Games of 2022 thread

Bloomberg’s (actually just Jason Schreier’s) best of the year list. He also shared these on the Triple Click podcast.

A welcome inclusion of Chained Echoes! I started that and have really loved it so far! Dang, so many good games this year!

It feels to me like the lack of big triple A titles let there be more room for Indies to shine. After all, reviewers have limited time too, even though they do this for a living. I think they played more Indies this year, and more ended up on year-end lists.

PC Gamer’s list

I spent some time with tinykin today. Cute game, I also spent some time with Disney Dreamlight Valley so I could understand it if my youngest daughter wants to play. Kind of a standew valley with Disney characters.

DDV looks like it will be an absolutely massive hit if they pull off even halfway decent gameplay. It’s the perfect storm of IP meets video game.

Tinyfolks - what makes this game sparkle are the number of different classes, the mute color palette, the little dances everyone does, and the inexorable approaching doom. You make choices, sometimes good, sometimes bad, and you just have to roll with the outcome. The campaign doesn’t seem to be overly long, so winding up with a diabla ex machina wouldn’t be the worst thing. It may not be one of the best games ever created, but it’s my favorite from 2022.

EG has posted their readers’ top 50

Here's the Top Ten
  1. Elden Ring
  2. God of War Ragnarok
  3. Evil Dead: The Game
  4. Return to Monkey Island
  5. Horizon Forbidden West
  6. Sifu
  7. A Plague Tale: Requiem
  8. Vampire Survivors
  9. Stray
  10. Prodeus

No Quarterlies this/last year?

I think they usually come a little later in January?

That’s the first I’ve seen of that game in all these lists, I think, and so high too.

Here was the 2021 Quarterlies thread.

Does @tomchick even play the videogames anymore?

And you were the cool kid on the block if you owned a B Floppy Disk Drive to put your saves on!

As I recall, last year some people wasted their votes on boardgames! ;)

After Marvel Dorm Simulator lured him back in only to disappoint him with Too Many Words, I fear he may never put fingertip to mouse again!

I keep reading this as Marvel Dom Simulator. Ummm… (lol).

I started Norco as Act 1 is free. It’s good: really good. It’s like playing a William Gibson novel. The first computer game I ever made was a point and click adventure in HyperCard; this has taken that to an art form.

I’d also accept Marvel Dorn Simulator.

I’d play the Michael Dorn Simulator, but only if I get a fancy bat’leth.

That’s only available if you buy the season pass for Michael Dorn Simulator 2023.

And, unfortunately, also requires completion of the I.M. Weasel campaign.

The steam awards results.