Best Qt3 threads ever

What do you do with it then? Quickly shove them backwards onto a table, smash open a beer bottle, and use the jagged edges to hack it out of them, then bring it home and use it as a hand puppet to perform your ridiculous philosophical plays? How do you return it? A vagina isn’t something you borrow: in your case, it’s something you steal or rent, depending upon your mother’s current level of tolerance for her creepy, mouth-panting manchild.[/QUOTE]
Just about perfect.

I always thought this was the best post ever:


Head On. Apply directly to the forehead.

That was good, too bad it couldn’t be repeated with the character limit nowadays.

This is my favorite post.

No, wait, this one is.

My favorite thread is the one where we beat the joke all to hell, and the scene looked like something out of Crime and Punishment. As a result, I get a LOT of pleasure out of this forum.

Some recent bests:

DeepT ponders common courtesy for psychics.

Things we have argued about.

There are a lot of good ones to choose from, but the golden oldies are great. I like this one because it’s a Koontz where he calls someon else a troll. Also, Cleve finds out that Peter Frazier isn’t who he thinks he is and Peter decides he doesn’t like Qt3 anymore.

Brilliant. Cleve, Koontz and The Narrator… I see why people miss them.

I like the bit where Cleve talks about his exercise regimen. 1.5 hours a week, and he gets better results than people who work out 24-7! AMAZING.

I like when he compares his transformation to that of Bruce banner and while not going into details (right) describes his full on Kung Fu battle with automatic weapons against the swarming black hordes of L.A.
Tom banned the only real honest to God superhero this board had.

… and he’s hiding in Australia from nuclear armageddon - guess Nevil Shute’s On The Beach wasn’t one of the thousands of books he read between 8 and 22.

I didn’t know anything about Arthur Jones, so I learned something from that thread.

Most of those posters are gone now.

Also, this post.