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I watched this with Mrs Chappers and we both really enjoyed it. I haven’t seen true grit but the girl is a great actress certainly better than her songs so far.
I remember her mostly from Begin Again. But every time I watched it I was trying to remember where I had seen her befire, which was True Grit.
I might check this movie out now. I didn’t even realize she was in it. In Begin Again I thought she did a good job portraying the awkward sincerity that teenagers can have sometimes.
There’s maybe an extra word in the first sentence?
I’ve been looking for Hailee Steinfeld her for a while.
Tom, I want to carry you around in a Babybjörn.
Thanks, baren! Corrections always much appreciated!
Songs? Do I dare Google this? Will I regret it?
I haven’t seen this and I had no idea she was in it. It’s now on the list.
@crispywebb, I know you saw this a while ago and your occasional references on Twitter kind of pushed me into finally seeing it. I owe you one!
How about that subtle Canadian plot to overthrow proper American spelling? Career “Centre”? Please. At least they managed to get all the right letters in the word.
I’ve got my eye on you, Canada.
So I just watched it and the opening scene has to be one of the funniest things I’ve ever seen. Well worth the price of admission. I love Harelson’s character.
Don’t do it if you don’t want to change your opinion of her. I love double negatives.
Can I stream this somewhere?
Yes, hence the link to at the end of the review!
For some reason I always confused Shailene Woodley with Hailee Steinfeld. It is probably just me.
I wanted to see this, I’ve already heard lots of good things about it, but the mention of Juno worried me. I find Juno painfully unfunny, even though it was billed as a comedy. If this is anything like Juno I’ll pass.
It’s not! I hated Juno and am quite fond of The Edge of Seventeen. Not that it’s for everybody, but it has none of what makes Juno unlikeable.
Oh, huh. I was able to read the whole review on the front page, so the only thing that doesn’t show up is the Amazon widget. I looked, I swear!
If you’re running an adblocker, the Amazon widget gets blockered out.
I watched this with my 15 year old daughter and it won high praise from both of us. I think that says something about its quality, that it appeals to both those deep in the weeds of adolescence and those long past them. Plot-wise it follows a familiar trajectory but it’s quite a bit more honest than most movies of this ilk, mixes humor and drama pretty well, and of course Hailee is terrific.
Why is she not in more movies? I’ve only ever seen her in this and True Grit and she kicked ass in both.
Nope, it’s not that. It’s just that the whole review is there on the front page except the Amazon link. So I never had to go “below the fold” to read it all. Might be an argument for setting that breakpoint earlier in an article.
Oh, right, I see what you’re saying! I guess it is long enough that I should tuck some of it behind a jump. Thanks for the heads-up, Mr. Gaunt!
Great review, Tom!
God, I love this movie. I’m kind of obsessed with it and I keep screening chunks of it for my screenwriting students. It’s just the perfect combination of audience-pleasing high school genre fare and indie/arthouse emotional substance. Like Cameron Crowe meets Richard Linklater. It’s so goddamn good and Hailee Steinfeld is terrific in it.
“I just hate the way it looks when I talk or when I chew gum. Don’t ever let me chew gum, okay? DON’T. LET ME CHEW GUM.”
I like that every major character in this had some nuance, and the nuance wad typically shown relatively subtly.