Best wireless Gamecube controller w rumble

Yes I’m still rocking the Gamecube (along with 2 Xboxs and a PS2). I’m so last-gen. I got a hankering over the weekend for some Metroid Prime action so pulled the GC out of the cupboard along with my Wavebird, but alas the Wavebird has bitten the dust. Using the stock controller I got very annoyed by the cable, but liked the vibration effects in Metroid Prime. So I’m wondering if there is a wireless Wii controller with rumble that will work with the GC, or if not, what is the best third party option?

When I asked the same question, I ended up getting the response that you either fork out the dough for a used wavebird or stick with the cable (I have the former in the bedroom, the latter in the living room). Fortunately, GC cable extenders are dirt cheap, but it all depends on how patient you are with being tied physically to the console.

Just wanted to let you guys know that the Wavebird lives! I think I forgot to switch it on before. I thought you’d like to know. ;) I’m contemplating letting my 5 year old give Mario Sunshine a try, just to make Mario Galaxy more fun when we get it.