Best zombie prank ever

saw this on lifehacker

so much better than stealing roadsigns!

personal story: as a teen, my dad stole a street sign in fort wayne and it has hung in our garage ever since. the street was named “harry w. baals”. he was a former fort wayne mayor.

That’s fantastic.

I showed this to a coworker and he told me that you can apparently do this to any one of those signs wirelessly if you have the appropriate device. That is beyond stupid.

But this one is awesome.

A pager in fact can do it.

Heres the little blurb I found in a post on Gizmodo.

Some signs like this are controlled by receivers that turn messages received from the paging (yes, as in common hip pagers) network.
First, you’d need to know the capcode of the receiver, and the frequency it uses. Both could be found on the receiver attached to the sign.
Then you need to build a simple paging system. There are paging terminal programs, and transmitters out there that would allow you to transmit a message to the capcode of the sign as you drove by.

That is amazing.

In a similar vein, there’s an Engineering building at Ohio State called Bolz Hall, named after a certain Dr. Harold A. Bolz.

a better picture from gizmodo. apparently it was hacked by some UT students.

It’s funnier without the exclamation marks.

At the college I went to, somebody in the administration got the bright idea that it would be a good idea to install a garish scrolling sign like this on campus, to inform students of various upcoming events. Similar hijinx ensued, I believe by somebody sneaking into the room that had the computer that controlled the sign. I don’t recall what they made the sign say though.

Hahahah, Nazi zombies. I hate those guys.

Boy, I hope they’re not Illinois Nazi zombies.

A link to the local news article made it to the front page of CNN.

Can you imagine the ruckus this would have caused in Boston? Dogs and cats living together and shit.

Edit - Neglected to mention: Not much new there, really. I did appreciate the subtlety of “RAPTORS AHEAD — CAUTION”, though. People already accustomed to seeing zombie warnings on the freeway by now might be thrown off by something more mundane.

Wow, I almost forgot about those dopes. Definitely right on the money there.

the b0st0n LJ community got in their yearly memorial post about 1-31

Seriously folks, never forget. Brave street artists lost some amount of their adult lives to the legal system to that prank.