Better Call Saul

There was a scene that made Howard sympathetic - it was around the time you find out it was really Chuck all along.

Seeing ads on IMDB saying the show is returning April 10. I knew it was coming later than normal this year but didn’t know the date.

I’m stoked

Third season starts back up tonight. Gus is coming back, can’t wait! If anyone needs to catch up, both previous seasons are now available on Netflix.

Gilligan has said another “fan favorite” from BB is joining the show this season, besides Gus. My money is on Huell.

As to the tape Chuck made, I think I can guess how that plays out (not spoilering this because it’s strictly speculation): Chuck agrees to keep the tape and not turn Jimmy in, only as long as Jimmy no longer sullies the family name, forcing the change to Goodman.

How DOES the Bar Assn feel about lawyers changing their names, anyway?

It is back, I’m happy

I thought it was an OK opener, but it seemed like there was a lot of filler. The Mike montage could have been cut in half and still make it’s point.

This show is a bit of a slow-burn but can we all agree on how gorgeous it is? Here are two semi-random shots from the first 15 minutes of last night’s episode:

I enjoyed the episode, then again I could watch Mike eat pistachios for the entire hour.

Pretty much.

Knowing Mike he’d be chewing up pistachios to make a paste from which he could create an explosive device. We saw what he can do with a garden hose and a box of nails.

Hey, I’m all caught up for the first time! Finally did my previous season Netflix binge in time to jump in early on the current season!

This is a really good show. I worry a little about the Jimmy/Chuck relationship dynamic though. Maybe it’s a side effect of binging season two, but regardless of what happens to Jimmy professionally/legally this season, I hope the Jimmy/Chuck dynamic gets shaken up.

There have been some wonderful moments as these two flawed brothers are blinded by their frustrations with each other, but still bound by some mixture of duty to family and brotherly love. They seem to each know each other better than they know themselves.

But it’s starting to feel a little stale. I thought maybe Chuck was headed for a grave enough injury last season to really disrupt things, but so far it’s just a little more fuel for Chuck their same ongoing war. Maybe tonight’s developments for Jimmy will be the circumstantial change that finally drives an emotional one, but I’m worried it won’t be.

We can be pretty sure a lasting peaceful reconciliation isn’t in the cards. I suppose a reconciliation cut short by some external tragedy could play out, but that might feel cheap. So really, I’m rooting for things to finally reach a breaking point between Chuck and Jimmy.

Vince Gilligan is pushing the TV envelope in terms of long scenes with no dialogue. It’s kinda ironic that it’s turning into a Sergio Leone movie when the main character is a garrulous chatterbox.

Regarding the Chuck/Jimmy conflict, I’m pretty sure in the end what will happen is that Chuck tries to get Jimmy disbarred, but then Jimmy succeeds in getting Chuck committed, ruining the family name in the process and leading Jimmy to change his name. But yeah, it needs to happen this season.

Also, this show’s relationship with Breaking Bad (and my memory of it) is weird.

Last night’s episode spends a very long time dragging out a reveal that the guy Mike’s tracking went to Pollos Hermanos. This is only effective if you’ve seen Breaking Bad (a reasonable assumption), but also if you’ve avoided all news, press, and previews for this season, because otherwise you immediately know what’s being revealed and it undermines the impact of the slow scene.

And then on the other hand, in the same episode there’s the introduction of another character from Breaking Bad that I had 100% forgotten about and didn’t even remember during the show, I wasn’t aware of the connection until I was reading reviews afterward.

This isn’t a complaint, just a random observation. I thought about it, and there are a lot of characters from Breaking Bad that I don’t remember enough about to even know if they could show up in Better Call Saul.

I agree. Spending two episodes getting to a reveal that (almost) everyone knew was coming as far back as the end of the last season is too long, and has really screwed with the pace of the show. Last night I found myself thinking “Get on with it, already”, which I never did during the first two seasons or all 5 of BB.

And I still would have preferred Huell.

Holy fuck. I had no idea who you were talking about until I saw the below vid.

Remind me who Huell was? Was he the guy who sold Walter the .50 cal machine gun?

Hah! Nice. I guess Jimmy must have been pretty pleased with her job performance.

How can you not like a show which refers to love as “the fallacy of sunk costs”?