Better Call Saul

Great ep, Jimmy and Mike both at their best–Jimmy telling stories and Mike fixing problems for idiots in full eyeroll mode. Also loved Jimmy’s wistful glance at the sunroof of his new car.

Just caught Ep 3 and yep, LMAO.

“Life is a rich tapestry, but trust me, you don’t want to see it.”

Latest ep has a lot of drama. I can guess where it’s going with Jimmy and his new law firm. But I’m puzzled by both of Mike’s arcs. Don’t know what to make of his son’s widow (does she even have a name) and either her fear or her outright manipulation. Also should be fun to see how Mike handles his “next level” job with the local henchman. This episode seems to be setting everything up for the rest of the season.

(Trying not to be too spoilery.)

I think his daughter-in-law is just overwhelmed by being a widower and a single mother. I think Mike realizes that, will always feel responsible for that, and thus will move heaven and hell to make sure she and his granddaughter are safe and happy…even if it means playing into her paranoia.

Mike fascinates me. He’s both a hero and a villain in this world Gilligan has created.

No comments on the recent two episodes so far? Whaaat.

Ep 4: Nice to have Mike back in action - even if it included taking a beating from Tuco. Felt overall very short though.

Ep 5: I haven’t rewatched season 1 yet, but I guess this would the first truly Kim-centric episode of the series? Rhea Seehorn did such a great job, loved the phone montages. Howard being a marvelous ass. More back-story on Chuck (Do we know what happened to his wife?) and on Chuck’s and Jimmy’s father - Chuck potentially being a unreliable narrator though. Was also delighted by Hector’s brief appearance.

Man I just started this yesterday and I am… in love with this show. I don’t want to read the posts above as they likely have spoilers, but I hope to catch up over the next week.

There’s no way Chuck turns me against the Slippster no matter what he may have done. I just want to light Chuck’s tin foil suit on fire and broil him from the outside in.

Jeez, that went dark fast.

Alright, that was harsh. I like Chuck, as a character, as an actor, he is wonderful.

I’m just not getting a brotherly love vibe off him and the tolerance of his eccentricities in the light of the Slippster’s tips the scales. Jimmy is loveable, Chuck not so much.

Maybe not so much broil him … there must be some kind of denoumente coming anyway, at some point, that is handled far better than I can imagine. Something involving a large electromagnet? Don’t forget the BB episode where they hooked up all those batteries to the car crusher magnet! Doing a drive by on Chuck with that truck should do the trick.

Dude, just MICROWAVE him. He’s already in tin foil.

“Why do they bury lawyers 10 feet under?
Because deep down, they’re good people.”

This show is so fucking good that my girlfriend asked me from upstairs who I was talking to when I was watching the show and I told her that I was talking to the show because it was so fucking good. I didn’t tell her about my irrational joy at seeing the Cousins again!!

I’m liking the new Slippin’ Kimmy.

Ep 6.

Haha, carbon paper!

One thing that came to mind is there’s almost three separate stories: Saul, Mike and Kim. I don’t mind when they switch between them, because they all have interesting stories.

Its hard to believe the actor that plays Mike is going to be 70 this year. He is the best part of Better Call Saul. :p

It’s not much different than POV switching in a book, something like a Game of Thrones, and it works for me. I know at least two of these stories merge at some point, so I don’t need them to be touching each other just yet anyway - I like seeing how they all come together.

And yeah, Jonathan Banks is the best thing about this and Breaking Bad, in general terms. That’s saying a lot though - everyone does a fantastic job, but still.

I was watching an old DS9 recently. Mike turned up in the episode as an alien warrior. Other than a few more wrinkles, he hasn’t changed much in the last 20+ years

Jonathan Banks first displayed his brilliance on Wiseguy, back in the 80’s. Still worth watching if you can find it.

Banks played the main villain’s henchman in the first Beverly Hills Cop movie way back when as well.

We just watched this week’s episode. Anyone else catch Kim’s little line about being from a small town between KC and Omaha? Since almost nothing on this show is really a throwaway, I’m guessing that will play into Gene’s adventures in the sticky breakfast treat industry at some point down the line.

Yup, the show has definitely been hinting at that