Bioshock Infinite's infinite space, bounded in a nutshell

OH Great.....what a freaking bad review you there Tom Chicken....i mean.....Why this game sucks? I have played this game and i enjoyed it,i can`t believe this review is same like you review a game called Patapon 3.

Its like a poorly written review that resembles nothing but fake.

Here`s what i think about this review :

This review is too short,
You didn`t play this game a lot,
You don`t like Wonderland game,
Lastly,the review is a total garbage dump.

i`m sorry but this game is great,the review sucks.Worst than cats.

ah Tom Chick. haven't seen a review this shit since Halo4. only reason anyone comes here is because they wanna meet the asshole that drags down metacritic into the fucking gutter. congratulations, we have a new winner for douche of the universe. his name is Tom Chick.

Spoken like a true sheep.

What amazes me about most game reviews, particularly for a AAA title from a famed creator, is the lack of context they present their reviews. So many don't include references to other games, even within the same genre. Or, if it is done, it is to such a marginal capacity as to lave little impression. Some don't even critically compare the previous game to the new game.

What I appreciate about Tom's reviews is the heavy use of comparison, both within the same genre, to other genres, to the previous game in a series, and even outside of videogames. Tom's insight into the limitations of the engine is right on the mark, as is the comparison to the Drake games when talking about the companion aspect. Further Tom's style of review, considered mainstream in every other media, means that if you disagree with his review you do have to contend with his point across games, not just limited to the one experience.

Oh boy, I mis-spelled a word on a comment board therefore that loses any credibility I may have. Just give it up buddy. Tom Chick is full of crap.

Each score out of 5 is 20 according to metacritc

Can't believe there are people that struggle to understand this .

But there is an explanation why elizabeth powers are limited

SPOILER(the sihpon. that's why she can bring only specific things at specific places. while siphon drains her powers she only can open tears which already exist.)SPOILER

It's actually nice and refreshing to see a more objective review, with all the mainstream "gaming journalists" basically fellating the game. Regardless, I will probably still buy it lol.

Stop letting this guy do reviews. I mean seriously, journey a 40, halo 4 a 20, and now infinite a 60, those scores are for games that barely pass the bar.

It's a good game, definitely worth playing. It's not, however, a 5-star or anything close to it. It's a very flawed game. The story is fantastic, the gameplay shooting parts not so much.

you cant take 2 points on because of just that, that kind of stuff is just taking off 0.5, I just want your unfair rating off of metacritic

I just came back to increase traffic.

Have you seen this guy's "acting" work? No wonder he is upset, he got fired off the Office without ever being on it. Most direct, produce and do adverts.

He got fired.

This is the reason why in some sports, like ski jumping, the best an the badest results are wiped out. Fanboys and haters are eliminated this way.

Metacritic or gamerankings should think about this.

i must admit i liked the first two but found the game play lacking with this iteration, and found it had the most predictable story line of the three games. side note i liked bl2 more

This review is spot on. I agree.

another review just to get the website hits.....good job lol

Seriously, this is one of the dumbest reviews I've ever read.

I can't believe that Metacritic actually counted this garbage review.

This reviewer hardly talks about the gameplay, focusing only on narrative - and doing a poor job at it.

Plus, the way he writes makes me think that he's more concerned with convincing people that he's a good writer with a strong sense of art than actually doing a thorough game review. In actuality though, he's very poor. He seemed to miss the entire point of even reviewing a game. Seriously, read this again:

"It is beautiful in the way that a snow globe is beautiful. Small, ruthlessly bounded, a little precious and silly, but its intricacy undeniably lovely in that diffuse light. I admire it more than I like it."

Geez, who actually writes like that? This guy reminds me of one of those lame people that force others to listen to their hideous poetry.

But don't bash the clearly amazing work done on Bioshock just to get an opportunity to sound artsy. This isn't 1898, and you're not Henry James.

You're supposed to be reviewing a game. Instead you tell us that it's "a kaleidoscopic reflection of storytellers like Christopher Nolan, Thomas Hardy, Ken Levine, the Coen Brothers, Jorge Luis Borges, Ronald Moore, Sophocles, and D.W. Griffith, inspired instead of derivative, entirely unforgettable, and deserving a life beyond the middling game where it lives."

Seriously, WTF?

Excellent review. More and more these types of games are feeling like a grind, constantly rooting through trashcans and desks just stay alive. I agree that the cramped field-of-view seemed very unsuited to this world. It felt like I was playing with blinders on. Time and again I found myself wishing I could switch to a wider lens for my POV.
The feeling of being "on rails" was very, very strong in this game. Very very seldom have I been allowed to feel like I was exploring and discovering something interesting just off the beaten path. Too often gameplay and cutscene became one, and I was merely pushing the character left or right down a repetitive pathway.
The universal acclaim for this game makes me shake my head. Is this what passes for brilliance nowadays?