Black Company is live in Gears Pop on iOS

Nope. Search just sucks =(

I started playing a couple weeks ago but stopped because I could never log back in - hopefully this will resolve the problem and I can play again and join the team!

I stopped playing pretty quickly because I had that nagging feeling I get with F2P games that I was just going to get angry at the gacha and monetization shit like I always do and saved myself the high blood pressure by uninstalling. Not sure if that is a fair assessment, but I should really just resign myself to only playing premium purchase-once games and entirely avoiding F2P.

I will say it was cool earning Xbox Achievements while playing a phone game, but that isn’t really enough to keep me engaged.

Personally, I enjoy playing a little ‘metagame’ of trying out an F2P game and seeing how far I can get without paying any money. While enjoying myself, of course, it’s not intended to be a job. Occasionally I’ll be cranking along and realize I’ve spent a hundred hours in the game and think oh crap! I should probably spend a little money! Seems only fair. I did that with Star Trek Online, because it’s so easy to solo so much content. I’m doing it right now with Star Trek Fleet Command - hm, I detect a trend.

For me it just wasn’t as polished as Clash Royale. I’ve probably put over $100 into CR over the years and I’m ok with that

So I finally found Black Company, you have to search “Black+Company” (without the quotes). So a + instead of a space as the space makes it search for crews with both black and company (which are way more than the default number of search results). Note that there are two Black Company crews, one with 1 member and one with (now) 4. Choose the latter.

Also, the fix for the Xbox Live Login issue has been released, just update the app to get it.

Thanks Brakara. If we need a new leader let me know. I’m only playing every once in a while

Me too. But I want to play horde, but how does that work? I can’t see from the crew list who*s online or not…

I hve token for it but never got to play

Well that didn’t take long.

I totally forgot about this game. More to the fact, I actually got it confused with Gears Tactics and considered them one in the same.

Normally, I hate F2P mobile games with Pay-2-Win schemes, but in the early days of the COVID Pandemic, this became my comfort meal and I spent more than I normally would on something of this ilk. I haven’t played it in months, but for March and April I was playing daily in between at-home work assignments and homeschooling. Was fun for a while, but eventually the P2W aspect wore my spirit down as it always does.