Stunk. Lots of fighting, yelling, shooting. All form, no content.
Some good apocalyptic scenery in there. Yeah, those Africans are just one headstart program away from using melatonic powered pyramids to escape Earth’s gravity forever. Mogadishu pretty much looks like what you’d expect of a “city” run by negros and other cultural enrichers. Looks like God’s bowels came down from outer space and used that portion of the planet as toilet paper. Yawn, Rhodesia is so much better today due to enrichment programs like this one.
Anyway, acting was unconvincing, didn’t know if it wanted to be TOP GUN of the Marines or FULL METAL JACKET. Crap movie that didn’t need to be made.
Classic home invasion genre, been done a thousand times better before. Jodie Foster still can’t act and I find her lesbian portrayal of a mother to be most unconvincing. I fell asleep during the last ten minutes was only woken up when the friendly noble negro blew the evil white villain’s head off, thus sacrificing his freedom in the bargain. Boy do I wish I could have a noble selfless negro as a buddy, they look like fantastic people. Maybe I can buy one in Mogadishu from a warlord.
I was really glad to see there was no dominant male in the movie to protect the single woman and her child except for the noble negro. There was one goofy white guy but of course as we all know, he was instantly beaten to a pulp and was completely helpless before the supernegro power. Somebody should tell that to the guy who creamed Lennox Lewis this week, you’re not supposed to strike supernegros back lest ye unleash their supernegro wrath.
Lennox won. He didn’t have the best of the fight but he landed the most telling punch, a very heavy right straight to the eye. He may have been behind on points but in the six round he still has time to come back. Personally I feel he’ll win the re-match (should they ever get the money together to have one) hands down.
This is the trend now, you will see it more often, get use to it.
Do you know in Clancy’s Sum of All Fears that the terrorists who unleased the tac nuke on Baltimore were a gasps in surprise MIDDLE EASTERN group of fellows? The producers were so fearful of the backlash from these groups in a Post 9-11 world that conveniently when the movie hit the screen these Arab terrorists (never heard of those before) were replaced with white Neo-Nazis.
Neo-Nazis… right. We see them all the time everywhere committing horrible atrocities like listening to bad speed metal, shaving their head, and getting drunk. The horror.
On the other hand, we have Islamic and mainly Arabic/North African men who have singlehandedly enacted almost every terrorist act of the last decade, but uhh, we best not offend them!
Blame whitey! It is very very sad that people cannot even put reality on a movie screen anymore.
You think the re-education camps are just in the universities teaching how bad old whitey is? Nope. It is on the big screen too, and it is getting worse every year.
The greatest computer programmer on earth is a black man. Black men make great doctors, lawyers, neurosurgeons, nuclear scientists. Black people are noble and selfless and longsuffering and inherently just plain better in every way than their goofy white sidekicks and charges who simply can’t understand their earthy, wired-in wisdom.
OF course, in real life they’re vicious orange-pop drinkin’ cannibal apes, but Hollywood isn’t interested in all that. They’ve got an agenda.
I saw 5th element last night. The black world president … ho ho … did they have to cast that particular guy, of all the guys they might have had? That guy? Really?
It’s all yiddish science fiction.
I was in the army for four years, two of which I spent as the only white guy bunking with four black guys. I cannot describe in words how debased, feral and grotesque the off-duty lives of these men were. To give you a hint of what these critters got up to … check this out. The man who bunked across from me actually caught gonorrhea on his lips when his buddy crawled up on his bunk up top at 4 am in the morning drunk, his penis hanging out of his pants and it dripped down on this poor brother’s face while he was chillin’. Two days later he was at the infirmary with a big fat weeping sore on his upper lip showing raw meat. I was laughing so hard at this I almost split an internal organ when I found out. I was short of breath and had tears streaming down my cheeks I was laughing so hard when this fact came to light. Out of my barracks alone there were something like 40+ cases of sexual disease in a single year treated at the infirmary.
Hey Hermy, what about a little bombing in a place called Oklahama City. How about an organization called the “Posse Comitatus” have you heard of that one?
I suspect if we did a survey of all Islamic terrorist acts against the US and all the Ultra-Right Wing acts of terrorism against the US and then compared the number of movies with Arabs as the bad guys vs. Neo-Nazi’s as the bad guys we would in fact find that percentagage wise the Neo-Nazis were under-represented in Hollywood vs. Real Life when compared to the Arabs.
Congratulations. You found two examples. I’m surprised you didn’t throw Waco, TX in there too since I presume you could label the BDs “terrorists” too if you open the umbrella really wide.
I guess you missed the part where I said “almost every” not all? Reading is fundamental.
I will take you up on that bet in a heartbeat. Go do your homework boy wonder and you find a list of terrorist acts worldwide from the last two decades that made the news and you find out how many were Neo-Nazis or gun-nut militias vs. Islamic/Arab. Go do that homework, and learn the hard lessons that truth provide.
Troll or not, parody or not, I’m having a hard time believing that this post does not fall under the “Do not be too much of a dick” rule. This is hate speech. And I believe it’s vile enough to go beyond the “If you don’t like, it don’t read it” rule. This is, after all, not happening in one of Cleve’s wacky bomb-shelter threads - it’s in Movies. Looking back up at this thread, it seems as though Cleve started this whole thing as an excuse to kick start a racist, anti-semitic rant.
It’s your board, Tom, but if this doesn’t warrant a quiet word under the rules you posted last night, I don’t know what the hell does.
In my Cleve/Not Cleve ignoring, I missed the above crap. Now that I have read it, I wish I had continued by practice of blissful ignorace. This guy ain’t right.
This is the best thread in the movies forum. I’m with Cleve (not in what he says, which is absurd, but the guy is way better for entertainment value than Koontz/Huffman/Tyjenks).
A couple weeks back, I started ignoring Cleve since it was impossible to hold a meaningful discourse with him. However, he and Hermy can just go back and forth, spamming these boards with their racist inanities. I agree with the above posters. Tom, please intervene.
Ok let me get this straight. I’m noting a legitimate Hollywood trend of their utter terror casting anyone but Caucasians as the bad guy and I’m giving racist inanities? Have you BEEN to the movies in the past five years or are you just talking liberal bullshit?
Why are people so scared to talk about this stuff? I guess the liberalism really has put so much guilt into the equation that the sheer thought of something like this is terrifying to talk about. How sad for you.
The fact that you just accept at face value things like Clancy’s book being totally reworked for the big screen because of the possible “offense” it would cause to a non-white ethnic group, is just, well, scary.
It basically means the re-education program is successful that you readily accept changes to a script that could offend these sensitive noble peoples of the world like Islamic terrorists.
Can you list the major motion pictures of the last five years that have featured black villains and white heroes with the exception of Training Day and Black Hawk Down (which I’m sure they talked about using white Somalis for)? Something tells me that list will be awfully short.
In a way I’m sort of hoping they really push this thing into overdrive so that we see NOTHING but black leading men and white villains in all movies, that way even the most flaming liberals may finally start to notice what is now a still somewhat subtle trend. Or perhaps you will just say that 2+2 does indeed equal 5, as your re-education has told you to.
Yes, hermy, so sad that they don’t make ‘em like they used to any more. But if you’re really jonesing for some good ol’-timey entertainment, you can search the web for the hilarious old Bugs Bunny cartoons featuring those big-lipped monkey-men with the bones through their noses. It amazes me why they don’t show those on Cartoon Network any more; after all, don’t we want our kids growing up with a mortal fear of the black menace? Seems like good protective common sense to me.
You can also check out LIVE AND LET DIE for Yaphet Kotto’s turn as one of the premier supervillains of the 20th century, but since he doesn’t say “Ooga Booga” or try to stick James Bond into a big cooking pot, it might not really be up your street.
I don’t mind offtopic posts and some politics on these baords… but this is a GAMING board mainly, and then people have the need to anonymously post pure shit here??? WHY!!! Do you fucks have a life? Coupled with most posting here is starting to turn into jaded gamer lets talk politics shit, whats the point? If any of you racist fucks want to post racist shit go to alt.politics.shithead or alt.politics.whitesaresadbecauseblacksarebad.
whatever. Q23 is about near its end i thnk, at least for me.