Black Prophecy -- EVE killer?

use a European URL proxy to sign up from. Someone suggested that as a solution and it worked perfectly. Being on the US east coast I’ve experienced lag but its not so bad that it affects the gameplay all that much. Most of the early leveling is PvE anyhow.

Gameplay-wise its decent enough though I’ve only gone as far as level 7.

Already tried but it keeps giving a Login failed message.

edit: aha fixed it works now

This game is terrible. The combat is duck hunt in space, the voice acting and dialogue is excerable, the interface is a confused mess, its yet another level based mmo on top of that. The graphics are nice but you arent flying through space ever you are always in a cloudy, debris-filled soup. The scale is wonky and it feels more like bumper cars in space then high powered space dogfighting.

Going to pass on this one.

Yeah - I was in the closed beta, and didn’t like the game. It just felt messy and…well, boring.

Its a shame though, since their other game is pretty fun - Neocron.

So what you are saying is that it IS an EVE killer?

Mining in EVE is more fun than this game ;)

I actually loved mining in EVE.

And yet… it’s a space shooter in 2011. I’m willing to overlook a lot of really stupid shit because in the end, it’s still a space shooter. I’m hesitant to call anything this instanced an MMO, but it’s the usual WW2-esque/star wars-ripoff dogfighting thing we’re always bemoaning the death of. The engine is rather decent, and if you just ask for a mission group, you end up flying missions with 1-7 other people. I’m not having any lag problems, either. I want to disagree about the ‘duck hunt in space’ thing, but I’m not really sure what you mean. It’s felt like a pretty typical space furball to me, with wingmates picking guys off of me while I do the same for them.

There is PLENTY of stupid to be found here. But bear in mind what its competition is (hint: There really isn’t any), especially since Jumpgate Evolution is obviously never coming out.

Not a very good one though; and you have to contend with lag and terrible physics. However it does have joystick support for what it’s worth, and it does actually work.

Edit: oh by duck hunt in space I am referring to fact that you aim with the mouse anywhere in your viewable area, removing much of the need for maneuver or skill. The game does actually improve if you use a joystick and make the aimpoint static, but I imagine this would be a disadvantage in pvp.

Jumpgate Classic is still around…I hope…

Just got an email that I’ve been accepted into the US beta. Downloading now, hope it runs on my old machine.

For curious Americans, this went into open beta in the US last month. Finally gave it a try today.

For some reason it starts you out in an overly-long turret gunner mission, which I’m guessing is to get you used to targeting and shooting without the strain of flying around. It spends a little too much time dropping you into cut-scenes but eventually the game starts for real after letting you have a space ship battle around a space station.

It looks pretty. In space. You will likely have the ugliest avatar in any game you have ever played.

The user interface is sub-par, and this is a bit problematic for mission tracking stuff and dealing with npcs and interacting with objects in space. I had tutorial notes routinely come up about five minutes after fumbling around and figuring out how to work things for myself, which I might not have been able to do if it weren’t for having played X3:Terran Conflict a few months back. I wouldn’t use X3 as an inspiration for a game’s ui.

I’ve only done a half-dozen missions or so, but the leveling seems pretty straight forward - you get various skill points which you use in certain areas which determine what level of components you can stick onto your ship. Hard to say at this point whether the loot is cool or just meaningless increasing numbers, though. It was nice getting a shield the first time. There are some special abilities you can train too, but I couldn’t tell if they were passive boosts of some sort or things you could trigger.

I’m not sure the straightforward MMO style missions that I’ve picked up so far are all that great an idea. It was fun dog-fighting groups of enemy fighters, though. I might plug away at it a bit more and see if I get bored shooting guys or see if the missions get more interesting. Could be a fun game if the combat gets more interesting and the missions don’t get in the way of actually having fun.

I played it a while and got to level 10 or so, and i got bored and quit.
There was some clear imbalance in the weapon types (energy/explosive/kinetic or whatever is the machine guns) shields are pretty useless since make you VERY slow and they can only stop energy damage since normal bullets just go through them, crafting has you waiting for 25mins looking at a screen without being able to do anything else (unless they changed it) and all the missions felt a bit “generic” after finishing the missions when you choose your race.

But that’s just from a few hours of play dunno if it gets better after that.

That was it? 3 months pass and no impressions? Come on Brian, is it decent or does it suck?

How can this be an EVE killer and have levels?

It’s a horrible game, it will kill nothing.

I signed onto this tonight…no impressions, Brian?

Couldn’t get it to run on my rig, so no.

Don’t you have a new rig now?

Hah, I wish. Once I start making normal money, that’s one of my first goals.