Black Water (aka our own krazykroc's movie!)

Just saw this thread - very cool that you were involved, Krayzkrok - I thought your name was just a nickname, not a vocation.

Probably the best “Jaws-clone” too. Thanks for your great work!

I probably liked the Reef better, personally, but I don’t think it’s a better movie - I just find sharks and deep water more terrifying because the context feels more “out of element.” The ending of the Reef was sort of weak though.

Still, two very effective creature features – despite their small budgets, they put most more commercial attempts at Jaws clones to shame.

Did anyone ever see his 3rd movie, the Jungle? I’ve never even heard it mentioned.

It is godawful found-footage tripe with nothing to recommend it and nothing memorable in it. Traucki’s a one-hit wonder in my book. I didn’t even get his short in ABCs of Death. I believe his title was G for Gravity and it was, uh, something about a surf board?

If you want a better movie about someone hunting an elusive creature, there’s an unusual Willem Dafoe movie called The Hunter.
