
Yes, and it was really obvious what you had to do each time, but it really dragged out those battles, especially since there’s no way to speed up animations.

I do feel like its a game that most people are going to re-start relatively quickly. For me personally I started a hunter…played about 2 hours and re-started a hunter. Played another hour or so and re-started in expert mode where you can build your own class. I don’t think I will restart again. What I gathered, unless you are gonna play a heavy tank, you really want to go expert and start as mage. If you start as a hunter or warrior you can never learn spells.

I do feel like the game might bog down for me…there have been a couple of tedious fights already and I am still in chapter 1, just got the 3rd NPC (you get the first two in the tutorial).

Great game though, I love it when something comes out of nowhere that I enjoy. I really like the way it handles travel and locations. The towns feel very generic though. Nothing to really distinguish one from another outside of what vendors they have. The combat log could use some more details too. A lot of times I will get a hit but do no damage and its not explained what happened. Also, a lot of the spells seem meh. And from what I have read there seem to be some abilities that are just way better than others, ie. triple shot and hammer blow.

Has anyone who played Aarklash Legacy played this? I know they are different styles of games, but I wonder if they have the same problem. Based on Olaf’s post above it seems like they might. At first I really was enjoying Aarklash, but then the battles just become monotonous.

I have played about 5 hours of this. I put it down and have not picked it up. I do not understand the combat system and have no idea how to spend my XP. I have just been pumping my weapon skills and occasionally buying stat points. For my mage, my most mana efficient thing to do is heal one of my fighters. I also do not know how to bandage other players ( I do not have any characters that have good stats to use this skill.). It seems that if I want to bandage fighter #1, it uses HIS skill to do so. I can’t seem to have fighter #2 (the one with bandage level 8) bandage fighter #1. Although this is a crap-shoot since he fails his skill check like 70% of the time anyway.

I got sick of Aarklash Legacy very early on and never finished it. I see myself finishing this game. The tedious battles part…if they had an option to speed up combat animations by like 100-200%, that would go a long way towards fixing that…and maybe they do, I just have not looked.

This is a seriously great game and if you like CRPGs with turn based tactical combat or SRPGs, its worth the price of admission.

The bandages thing is one of the game’s weakest points. I would ignore the whole mechanic, save the XP and simply pay for the doctor until your healing spell is good enough to cure wounds. You have enough money to use the pub and the medic regularly.

XP: First bring your primary weapon skill into the 2-digits. The first two talents on the second page are essential for tanks (resist knockdown + ignore wounds; whatever they’re called in the English version). Invest in the attributes on the first page from time to time. Use the perks on the last page as a guideline. Mouseover shows you the requirements. You need to find teachers for them. Mouseover is your friend on all these screens. Just go with your gut feeling, and as in every serious RPG: specialize. Some of the formulas are explained in the tutorial text behind the question mark on the world map.
Mages should concentrate on healing, cure poison (just about every enemy uses poison!) and some buffs first, apart from a couple of attack spells. Firebolt is quite okay early on. There’s a lot of flexibility here.

The fixed thread in the Steam forum is full of good suggestions to power-level your chars. It isn’t really necessary though.

Yes, I would have appreciated an speed slider or an automatic too. Only a few maps drag out, but over the course of 190 fights it adds up.

Absolutely loving this. I’ve made the dwarf a 2 hander axe/mace, me a 2 handed sword fighter, mage concentrating on support. So far just power blowing everything is working well.

I will keep this on my list of potential purchases then!

I am in Chapter 3 now.

I have to say I did not like Chapter 2.

And the flashback scenes are bugged if you went Expert mode during character creation (if you choose the ability to cast spells on your character your flash back guy has cloth and a staff for his gear, along with your stats/spells/abilities/etc when you created your guy) which can make them very difficult as there is no gold and generally no AP.

I have been playing this weekend and been enjoying it quite a bit. I did start over once and set the difficulty to easy finding it too hard at normal. Once I learn the ropes I might try it again on normal.

BTW, is there any need to keep the princesses pearl? I keep carrying it around but not sure if it has any significance later in the game?

One other concern do all the characters that join you stay till endgame? Trying to decide who to give spells to and don’t want to give a good spell to someone who leaves.

Chapters 1 & 3 were pretty great, but Chapter 4 is starting to feel a bit tedious. The challenge level which sloped steeply up in the first two chapters, has steadily decreased thereafter. Some of my characters have over 8000 unused AP because there is no need to make them any stronger. Also there’s basically only 3 good builds: 2H Warrior, Hunter/Mage, and Buff/Healer Mage.

Overall a great purchase, especially preordering cheap in the last Steam sale. Hope to see an expansion/sequel with the design and balance flaws cleaned up.

I’m following this game via an LP (fortunately, because the numerous plot-induced inventory resets would have infuriated me), and I can tell you the answer to your question is



More specific

Niam doesn’t stay.

On that specific…

Do you ever get another archer?



More specific

Chapter 2 replaces her with a witch,

Even more

who won’t be available for a large portion of the final quest either.

Thx, Nezz!

That was the person I was thinking of giving a spell.

I am still in Chapter 3. Its my favorite Chapter so far. Huge, and lots of interesting quests. I like the writing a lot, reading the quest log is entertaining.

I agree with you on the builds…my guy is a Hunter/Mage and Naurim is a 2H Axe/Bash Warrior and they are my most powerful characters. I built the first Mage into a Healer/Buffer and is my 3rd most valuable party member. Takate, 4th best. Hammer Blow is just so OP though, not being able to use it with Spears makes a Spear focused melee 2nd class. My least favorite NPC is the Witch. I hate her starting build, almost completely useless to my party. Most fights I just skip her turn.

I have qa question about stats and success chance. I have 2 casters, with the heal power. One of them has a 99% chance of success, and the other a 53% chance. Yet the spell stats are almost identical, except for one that is off by 1 level. Will buying that stat up by 1 make such a radical change in the success chance? This is the witch character I am talking about. Or are there “kinds” of casters and the witch will never be good at healing?

I made my witch into an archer. It changes her from useless into badass.

The problem must be in the other stats. In a D20 system with a maximum stat value of 18 (the other two values are always or never succeed) an additional point should give you ~+5% before other modifiers or formulae are applied. +46% is impossible.

Edith says: Are you sure you compared the identical spell situation? Spell % for the whole map are usually multiplied for each target (for example 0.850.850.85 = 0.61).

The witch just has healing level 1, 1 point in the skill. It says its success chance is like 53% chance to cast. I looked at the stats related to casting the spell and both mages are identical except for the witch has 1 less in one stat.

The first mage has like 13 pts into the skill. The witch, as I said only has 1 point. I didn’t want to dump a bunch of points into the skill if the witch would have such a crappy chance of casting the heal spell. The only difference might be is if that points in the skill ALSO improve cast success chance. If it does, that isn’t clearly explained anywhere.