Blasphemous - Gory 2D Pixel Art game

Sundered probably isn’t for me. I haven’t quite gotten the roguelike bug, as much as I’ve tried. I’ve avoided things like Hades, Dead Cells and Sundered because of that. Thanks though.

S&S is now on my wishlist (again), I’ll probably pick that up and give it another try.

My understanding from re-reading the John Walker review of Sundered is that the map is not totally procedurally generated, just some of it? I haven’t played Sundered yet, despite getting it for free on Epic, but that was the impression I got.

The game is divided into five or six zones that you move through in a set order. And they each have a specific shape, made up out of smaller pieces of standard sizes that then get scrambled every run. So it’s like the game has a fixed skeleton, but the organs get rearranged every time. … ?

Oookay, platinum gotten, NG+ stuff tried. I think I can shelve this one. That was fun!

The devs are saying they’re not done with the game yet. Presumably, they’ll be adding more of the Kickstarter stretch goals, but most of what hasn’t been done yet is a bunch of stupid passive multiplayer gimmicks, IMO. Stuff like weekly challenges, a boss that gets stronger as more players beat it and seeds you plant that other players harvest (!?).

EDIT: Aaaaand, the thing you’ve all been waiting for, an update on the prie-dieu debacle!

From the video of the art book, it looks like they really used to look the part and you could kneel at them. I suppose they changed it since they already had a kneeling pose on the ground and didn’t want to go through the hassle of making another one.

At last, closure.

I did another NG+ run, it’s surprisingly fun. There are modifiers and extra rewards to keep things interesting.

I’m amazed at how good it feels to keep all your stuff. Finding all the secrets and powerups is nice and all, but it’s also refreshing to forget the nooks and crannies and replay the game as a regular platformer.

This is free from Amazon Games right now, if you have Prime.

I want to note that the developer of this game, The Game Kitchen, are responsible for one of the best point and click adventure games I’ve ever played - The Last Door. It’s horror themed and, amazingly for the pixel art, genuinely horrifying and unsettling. Also has one of the most incredible soundtracks I’ve ever heard, very scene-setting. It also leans heavily on Catholicism.

It’s too short and not especially challenging for veterans of the genre, but I love it all the same. Very highly recommended.

Oh, I’ve looked at that several times in the past. In fact, it’s on my Google Play wishlist. It always looked really evocative. Thanks for the tip, I’ve got some Google credit burning a hole in my wallet.

Oh yeah, The Last Door is a really good adventure game. I keep trying to get into the second one, but it starts in a much less grounded place, so it’s harder to get into.

I would’ve dusted this one off out of my backlog much sooner had I known it was by the Last Door devs!

I sunk about five hours into this over the weekend, and I’m enjoying it, despite having gotten stuck at a couple points.

It’s really great! Some incredible boss art. (It’s also one of about five combat platformers that I have played up until the final boss and then didn’t bother to finish.)

The bosses are fantastic! I’m currently on Our Lady of the Charred Visage, and she did not disappoint.

Dust off that capirote, repent your sins, and prepare to go medieval on vaguely catholic iconography again…the sequel is soon to be upon us:

24th of August this year, and it seems we’re getting a bit of weapon variety this time around. I just hope they tone it down a bit with the jumping puzzles, those sequences were IMHO harder than the bosses, particularly in the DLC.

I hit a wall on the final (non-DLC) boss. I really enjoyed my time with the game, but that fight just wasn’t that fun for me.

I’m all on board for the sequel, though.

And second part is out

/compares with scores of the previous game…
Yep, that’s slightly better!

I didn’t even know this was a thing! Looks like it actually launches in a week.

Talk about a truly cursed release date. I’ll put it on the wishlist, but between AC6 and Starfield, this will end in the “maybe later” category.

Shame, the visuals on the first were beautifully disturbing, and it seems they nailed that look in the sequel as well…

Anyone play the second one? I enjoyed the first. I could just replay the first and go for the remaining achievements…

I didn’t even know there was a second game. I played the first for a bit and enjoyed it. Need to get back to it, at some point.