Blizzard bans Hearthstone player, casters for HK Support

I was considering taking another look around WoW. Guess that’s not happening.

Cancelled my two Blizzard accounts today and will uninstall my blizzard games tonight. I get that politics and e-sports isn’t a good mix but their over-the-top response made me sick to my stomach (the casters too?). Unfortunately, Blizzard is probably making the correct long term move here as a business and I know cancelling my subscriptions will make zero difference but it will help me sleep at night a touch better, so that’s something I suppose. Now I just have to stop following the news so I can still play the rest of my videos games in peace.

And yes. This episode was on point.

It’s not about personally making a difference: You are being part of a force that makes a difference. I can’t speak for the people of Hong Kong, but I think they would thank you.

r/blizzard goes invite-only.

yeah well, spoiler alert, they don’t want to invite me.

I’m not one for rash activism, but I did cancel my 3-month recurring sub. Can’t enjoy playing if they see my behavior as ratifying their actions. Chinese veto power over US sports and media behavior has to end.

I’m also hearing that anyone who posts on the wow forums in support of HK is getting a 3 month ban. Keep digging, Activision.

waiting for pro-chinese government voices to explain how really this is about following abstract rules and has nothing to do with freedom.

I would not want to be Mike Morheim today. This is a no-win scenario for them.

It’s basically calling the shots if you are afraid to upset your investor.

Lotta people canceling their WoW classic subs. Wonder if it makes a dent.

They’re going to go with the “blizzard china is a totally separate entity we have no control over” defense.

I lot of people keep saying and treating it like it is. As for Blizzard, wth.

Well Nike did. It’s not like it hasn’t been done. Companies can certainly make a stand, and they do.

I just watched the new South Park ep and it had an ad for Classic WoW, so my brain is all 404’d right now.

Of course they can, I just don’t expect them to do so.

Re P&R, I see it as a quarantine for anything political and contentious. Like I said earlier, if we get a real poster that’s pro-Beijing and comes in hot, we’ll probably move it. But I doubt that will happen.

Well, I have been having a great time in Classic WoW but just cancelled my ongoing subscription.

Well, there goes my subscription. I also made sure to add comments:

I will no longer support a company that is beholden to oppressive regimes.

I recommend anyone canceling for this reason to put something in comments as well. I guarantee this will cause a blip in their morning reports tomorrow because even a couple extra accounts canceled will be noticed. I am not saying it will do anything, but they will know why this is happening at least.

You are really helping to make a difference. Cancelling your subs makes them sit up and take notice, and it is a great idea to include the why of it in the comments.

Definitely agree

We’ll know in the next 24-48 hours whether they care about these cancelled subs or not.

It’s very clear that their actions have caused a problem with their community and put them in the crosshairs of people and organizations that most companies would rather stay out of. I’m sure J Allen Brack and Kotick either have already or are currently weighing which is more important to them: risking their presence in the Chinese market, or addressing the current community firestorm.

If by late tomorrow they haven’t put out an official statement and unbanned the player then we’ll know what they picked.