Blizzard’s Overwatch lore - what really happened?

This is one of the best things I have read on a game site in some time:

Emphasis mine.

This seems like a real problem. How will we ever know what really happened in Overwatch land? Btw, what is Overwatch land called? Glorantha? How can we figure these things out? Is there a book I can order from Amazon?

I guess only World of Warcraft graduates are allowed at Overwatch Uni.

Heroes Never Die? A Polygon Production?

I’ve missed the memo. Polygon has satellite sites?


I vomited.

And now, @Brooski, I shall forget all this, mute the thread, delete my files and destroy my iPad. I will never get these last 5 minutes back again. They are lost in time, like tears in the rain.

Before I self destruct all this, here is a parting salvo, as revenge, that you cannot unread.

Beware of random reddit links. You can’t unsee, either.

I told my girlfriend someone had stepped into it by talking about Overwatch canon, and she said that from what she’s seen (which admittedly isn’t much more than I have), it’s in even worse shape than what that article describes. Between in-game events and interactions, animated shorts, and the comics, anything that’s ever been described as Overwatch “lore” has roughly a 90% chance of contradicting something else, and outside of a few well-established events and concepts, there doesn’t appear to be a functional canon.

Better to not worry about it and just play the game, which is as sharp as ever.

The whole concept of Overwatch lore and canon kind of offends me. It’s the opposite of what I want to see in a game, which is to have lore that explains what you’re actually seeing in the game, not stuff that’s taking place outside the game. Assassin’s Creed is a great example of this, where their futuristic framework explains everything you see in the game. It explains everything from why there’s a HUD, why there’s a health bar, why there’s invisible walls barring you from certain areas, why you can’t kill civilians, etc. And Overwatch is the opposite of that. It makes no attempt to explain why this character is attacking that character, or why your team is trying to capture a flag, why you’re trying to kill your friends and allies (reportedly), why you don’t die permanently but just come back to life, or anything else you might see in the game.

To justify the Porn. And the fanfic “shipping”.

I feel bad making fun of people who are mentally ill.

I don’t think anyone was waiting for a justification.

You should declare Kanly. Oh wait, wrong lore.

We have such sights to show you

Overwatch has as much lore as Street Fighter does. There’s a bunch of guys and they fight each other for some reason.

Overwatch’s lore is from Titan, which was of course canceled. Overwatch is Titan’s sloppy seconds. There’s a deep story there, but because there was no MMO, we can only piece it together through official cinematics and comics.

I prefer my canon with two n’s.

I prefer mine with a telephoto zoom lens.

It’s the Jack Horner aspiration, but for games:

NSFW Quote

“How do you keep them in the theater after they’ve come? The beauty and the acting. No, I understand you’ve got to get 'em in the theater. You know, you’ve got to get the seats full. But I don’t want to make a film where they show up, they sit down, they jack off, and they get up and they get out before the story ends . It is my dream, it is my goal, it is my idea to make a film where the story just sucks them in. And when they spurt out that joy juice, they’ve got to just sit in it. They can’t move until they find out how the story ends. You know, I want to make a film like that. And I understand, they have to make films…I’ve made them myself, you know where there’s a few laughs, everyone fucks their brains out. And that’s fine. But it’s my dream to make a film that is true and right and dramatic”